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Studies On Ecological Integrated Utilization Of Dregs Of Decoction Of Polygonum Cuspidatum

Posted on:2014-10-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhuFull Text:PDF
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To achieve the maximum utilization of Polygonum cuspidatum, in this study, wehave investigated the primary integrated utilization the dregs of decoction of P.cuspidatum and provide the preliminary data to establish the eco-industry chain ofmushroom producing and remediation of heavy mental contaminated soil. Firstly, wehave studied the feasibility of mushroom producing by using the dregs of decoction ofP.cuspidatum and optimized the medium for mushroom culturing. After that, byanalyzing the component of dregs of decoction of P.cuspidatum and mushroom waste,we have determined the application potential of them in organicfeeds and fertilizer. Atlast, we have also investigated the usefulness of remediation of heavy mentalcontaminated soil by using mushroom waste. We found this eco-industry chain couldnot only process the dregs of decoction of P.cuspidatum, but also could provide directeconomic benefit from mushroom producing. Moreover, we have proved that it is afeasible way by using mushroom waste to remediate the heavy mental contaminatedsoil. Therefore, the integrated utilization of the dregs of decoction of P. cuspidatumcould create both ecological benefits and economic benefits. In detail, our studyindicated that:1. The nutrients components and heavy mental ions contained in dregs of decoction ofP.cuspidatum indicated that they are suitable for mushroom culturing and fertilizerproducing. By using the kjeldah method, Soxhlet extraction method and diluted acidand alkali treatment, we found the ash content, crude protein content, crude fact contentand crude fiber content in dregs of decoction of P. cuspidatum is12.75%,5.36%,0.47%and35.39%, respectively. The ion contents, As (0.000110mg/kg), Cd (0.000790mg/kg), Cr (0.001610mg/kg), Pb (0.001610mg/kg), K (3.889000mg/kg) and P(8.114000mg/kg), in dregs of decoction of P.cuspidatum were determined withinductive coupled plasma emission spectrometer.2. We have determined the optimized medium for pleurotus eryngii culturing byorthogonal experiment. That is,100g of dregs of decoction of P. cuspidatum,60gcottonseed hull,60g wood chips,50g wheat bran.3. By comparing the resveratrol content in mushrooms grown in normal medium andthe optimized medium that contained the dregs of decoction of P.cuspidatum, weproved that the P. eryngii grown in optimized medium contains resveratrol, which wasnot detected in P.eryngii grown in normal medium. 4.Both the dregs of decoction of P.cuspidatum and mushroom waste could be thenatural soil conditioner for remediation of heavy mental contaminated soil. Weperformed an comprehensive comparative analysis of ryegrass grown in original heavymental contaminated soil (collected in mine tailing), heavy metal contaminated soilmixed with the dregs of decoction of P. cuspidatum and heavy metal contaminated soilmixed with mushroom waste. Our experiments indicated that biomass of黑麦草grown in heavy metal contaminated soil mixed with the dregs of decoction of P.cuspidatum and heavy metal contaminated soil mixed with mushroom waste weresignificant high that of ryegrass grown in original heavy metal contaminated soil. Also,the heavy mental absorbed by ryegrass grown in heavy metal contaminated soil mixedwith the dregs of decoction of P. cuspidatum and heavy metal contaminated soil mixedwith mushroom waste were significant low than that of ryegrass grown in originalheavy metal contaminated soil. Besides, the enzyme activity of heavy metalcontaminated soil mixed with the dregs of decoction of P. cuspidatum and heavy metalcontaminated soil mixed with mushroom waste were significant high than that oforiginal heavy metal contaminated soil. The bioavailable and mobility heavy metalion contained in heavy metal contaminated soil mixed with the dregs of decoction of P.cuspidatum and heavy metal contaminated soil mixed with mushroom waste weresignificant low than that of original heavy metal contaminated soil.
Keywords/Search Tags:dregs of decoction of P.cuspidatum, integrated utilization, mushroom, medium optimization, resveratrol, mine tailings modification
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