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Studies On The Dynamics Of Arthropod Communities In Shu Tea Garden Of Hefei

Posted on:2013-06-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YangFull Text:PDF
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The thesis were parts of National Natural Science fundation (30871444), The keyproject of Anhui education department (KJ2008A139), Anhui Natural Sciencefundation (11040606M71) and The973project of Nation (2010CB126206), strived toanalysis the survey data of arthropod community in shu tea gardens of Hefei, andenrich the theoretical foundation for IPM of pests.1.The arthropod total community was divided into phytophagous, predacious,parasitic–neutral sub-communities according to species’ nutrition and predator-preyrelationship. In2010, the results showed54species of arthropod belonging to47famlies, phytophagous was the most prominent part. The relative abundance ofphytophages and predators respectively were0.5294and0.3593. The dominantspecies of phytophagous were Empoasca vitis (Gothe), Oligonychus coffeae (Nietner),Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaint) and Dialeurodes citri (Ashmead). The dominantspecies of predacious were all kinds of spiders in the tea gardens. Dominantconcentration and dominance of every sub-community in2010showedparastitoids-neutralities sub-community> phytophagous sub-community> predacioussub-community> total community; the values of diversity index and pielou evennessindex showed total community> predacious sub-community> phytophagoussub-community> parastitoids-neutralities sub-community.2.Change tendency of diversity index of total community in2010was:low-high-low-high-low; and so did phytophagous sub-community and predacioussub-community. The community diversity of predacious sub-community kept in amore stable level.3.The characteristic parameters of arthropod community and its phytophagous、predacious sub-community in tea gardens were analyzed with the method of principalcomponent analysis. The results showed that in the second principal component, thecontribution of arthropod community, phytophagous sub-community and predacioussub-community in tea garden was82.10%,91.51%,83.48%respectively. For thethree kinds of communities, numbers(N), species numbers(S) and richness(R) hadgreater contribution.4.The relations between diversity indexes and other ecological indexes in everycommunity were analyzed by Palb analysis in shu tea gardens. The results showedthat Correlation coefficient of Diversity indexes(H’) and evenness(J) of totalcommunity, phytophagous and predacious were0.9849,0.9400,0.8814respectively. 5.Comparing the quantity of arthropod community in the spring and summer of2010and2011. The result showed Aleurocanthus spiniferus(Quaint) and Toxoptera aurantiiBoyer had a high quantity in pests, the same with Erigonidium graminicolumSundevall and Tetragnatha squamata Karsch in enemies.6.The spatial dependence of Empoasca vitis Gothe and Toxoptera aurantii Boyer withtheir main enemies were studied by geostatistics in four kinds of tea gardens. Theranges of spatial dependence (RSDs) of the major insect pests, Empoasca vitis Gothe,Toxoptera aurantii Boyer, and their enemies were obtained by the methods ofgeostatistics, and the pest-enemy spatial relationships were analyzed by greyrelational analysis. Empoasca vitis Gothe, Toxoptera aurantii Boyer and their enemiesdisplayed aggregative distribution patterns in each field which were abundant with thetwo pests or not. The geostatistics analyses showed that the two main enemies withEmpoasca vitis Gothe in spatial following relationships were Oxyopes sertatusL.Koch (0.8594) and Erigonidium graminicolum Sundevall (0.8397) in shu tea garden;and Theridion ocomaculatum Str.(0.8207) and Oxyopes sertatus L.Koch(0.8104) in ping yang te zao tea garden. Whilst the two main enemies with Toxopteraaurantii Boyer in spatial following relationships were Erigonidium graminicolumSundevall (0.7448) and Oxyopes sertatus L.Koch (0.7433) in shu tea garden;andTheridion ocomaculatum Str.(0.8324) and Oxyopes sertatus L.Koch (0.7730)in ping yang te zao tea garden. The largest amount of Empoasca vitis Gothe andToxoptera aurantii Boyer appeared in November25in the four tea gardens. Theresults of geostatistics analyses to the pests and their enemies in the other two teagardens showed that they all displayed aggregative distribution patterns. Furthermore,the main enemy of Empoasca vitis Gothe was Oxyopes sertatus L.Koch (4.7222) in fuyun-six tea garden; and Theridion ocomaculatum Str.(1.0000) in long jingchang ye tea garden. Whilst the main enemy of Toxoptera aurantii Boyer wasOxyopes sertatus L.Koch in the two tea gardens. The RSDs of Oxyopes sertatusL.Koch in the two tea gardens were4.7222and7.6316respectively. Overall, Oxyopessertatus L.Koch was the first main enemy of Empoasca vitis Gothe and Toxopteraaurantii Boyer in spatial following relationships in the four tea gardens in autumn andwinter, together with Theridion ocomaculatum Str. and Erigonidiumgraminicolum Sundevall as following.
Keywords/Search Tags:tea garden, arthropod community, geostatistics
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