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Trends Research Of Shopping Centers Under Culture Consumption Impact

Posted on:2015-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330431965242Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As one of the most important types of public buildings, shopping center has been makingbigger contribution to common lives. With the great national economic development,consumption structure has been changed without any awareness. People’s cultural needs areincreased at a suprising speed. Combination of substantial consumption and culturalconsumption is the natural consequence of economy development. Shopping center wouldhave been affected by the consumption structure change as a main place holding relatedactivities. However, shopping center had only a30years development in china, reaching thesame level as shopping centers do in western countries. With a great gap of related theorystudy, china has the biggest number of shopping center construction whatsoever. It isparticularly urgent taking cultural consumtion studies as gudience of shopping center designand construction, in order to avoid any more energy waste caused by blind construction.The main topic of the research is threefold: Cultural consumption theory study based onthe analysis of economic statistics and consumption structure change. The study of theassociation between cultural consumption and shopping center, which is the basic foundationof the design priciples of modern shopping center. Specific design strategies are introducedthrough a series of recent case study.Paper is divided into four chapters: Chapter1as a starter, mainly introduces the generalresearch content, and also the general study methodology as well the framework. Chapter2asa connection, shopping center is associated with culture consumption. An explaination of theinevitability from a theoretical prospective of the association is included. Chapter3is mainlyfocused on the design principles change of shopping center caused by culture consumptiondevelopment. Chapter4as a summary, summary of the specific design strategy based on aseries case study.Practice of shopping center in China is at its great development period. As a part ofshopping center theoretical study, this paper takes culture consumption as a new background,may provide a different view of shopping center development, and may help not onlytheoretical study, but also practices in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:shopping center, culture consumption, trends
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