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Comparative Study Of Building Energy-efficient Structural System In Chinese And Russian Cold Regions

Posted on:2014-07-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330425969937Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The progress of human society can not develop without energy, theenergy consumption at the same time has also brought a decline in airquality, greenhouse effect, the destruction of the ecological environmentand so on. In China’s building energy consumption to total energyconsumption by nearly30%, especially cold winter heating period energyconsumption. According to the level of development of China’surbanization process, predicting that by2025, demand for constructionarea of20billion square meters, a large number of buildings consumemore energy will affect China’s social and economic development.The direction of this paper for extremely cold climates buildingenergy-saving structural system. China and Russia in the Far East in thegeographical and climate similar to the basis for comparative analysis.Induction and combing the two countries building energy efficiencytectonic system, and help to improve the lack of cold regions in Chinaenergy-saving structural system found in cold China building energy-saving structural system deficiencies, as well as the structural system ofthe Russian energy-saving advantage, this advantage.By searching existing data engineering practice, site surveys, energy-efficient structural system to sort out, from a technical point of view in-depth understanding of the cold regions in China energy-saving structuralsystem. Cold regions in China building energy-saving structural systemhas much room for improvement.Field research, followed by Russia with the in-depth understanding ofthe Russian building energy efficiency tectonic system. Start from theRussian Far East, two representative buildings, energy conservation wereanalyzed in accordance with the energy-saving wall, energy-savingwindows and doors, roofing, energy saving, ground, to summarize the material, structure, construction, building energy-saving structural systemof the cold regions of Russia have a more complete grasp, so that with abasis for comparison of the cold regions of China and Russia buildingenergy-saving structural system.Finally, the wall energy-saving, energy-efficient doors and windows,roof insulation energy-saving, focusing on comparative analysis of theformation of this three conclusions. Wall energy-saving ideas, China’spractice of "composite integration the flexible gradient, timber tension",Russian "structured performance separation, loose timber. China toimprove the building’s exterior wall fire performance requirements,drawing on Russian energy saving system, constructive conclusions ofthe study of the expansion of thin-walled steel wool board exteriorinsulation system.。...
Keywords/Search Tags:Building energy efficiency, Structural System, Russia
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