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Research Of Al-Ga/In-Mg-Sn-Si Anode Material Used For Aluminum/Air Battery

Posted on:2014-07-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y ShaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330422956621Subject:Materials science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The aluminum/air battery is one kind of environmental-friendly battery that witha large application prospect which has a higher energy density, longer working life andlower-cost. However, the pure aluminum couldn’t be directly used as the anodematerial of aluminum/air battery since it has a layer of dense oxide film which willimpede the activation and dissolve in neutral solution. What’s more, it is easy toactivate in the alkaline electrolyte and has a higher self-corrosion rate. Therefore,research and developed an aluminum anode material that with higher electrochemicalproperty and lower self-corrosion will be a great significance to promote theapplication of aluminum/air battery.In this paper, based on the micro alloying principle, the alloying elements Ga, In,Sn, Si and so on were chose to improve the activation and corrosion resistanceperformance of aluminum anode materials, meantime, the influence of Si element onthe microscopic structure which was examined via light microscope and scanningelectron microscope. The electrochemical performance of aluminum alloy anodemateruals in neutral and alkaline electrolyte were detected though the electrochemicalworkstation. The self-corrosion rates were tested by weight-loss method and theconstant current discharge performances were measured by the cell testing system, atlast, the electrochemical performances of aluminum anode materials after rolling atroom temperature were analyzed too.The results show that the activating ability could be obviously improved by thealloying element Ga, In and Sn, Si was of no direct use for the activating ability, but itcould promote to other alloying elements evenly distribute and reduce the grainboundary segregation since it had a big latent heat of fusion. What’s more, the castingperformance of aluminum alloys were improved meanwhile and all these changes werea contribution to a good corrosion-resistant performance and electrochemicalperformance. The electrochemical performance of Al-0.02Ga-0.50Mg-0.10Sn-xSi in4M NaOHelectrolyte showed that the best combination property can be obtained when0.1%Sielement was added: the self-corrosion rate was lowest(0.113mg·cm-2·min-1), the opencircuit potential was the most negative(-1.80V) and the discharge voltage was thehighest(1.50V at20mA constant current discharge). But in3.5%NaCl electrolyte, thebest addition was0.15%with the least self-corrosion rate(0.035mg·cm-2·d-1), the opencircuit potential was-1.50V and the discharge voltage was1.20V at5mA constantcurrent discharge after10000minute. The accurately numerical simulation equivalentcircuit of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was LRs(Cdl(Rt(QRc))) which couldbe well explained the corrosion process.As for the Al-0.02In-0.5Mg-0.1Sn-xSi anode materials, the best content of Si was0.1%in the alkaline electrolyte, the lowest self-corrosion rate was0.113mg·cm-2·min-1,the most negative open circuit potential was-1.80V and the discharge voltage was1.72V at5mA constant current discharge. While the best addition of Si was0.15%in theneutral electrolyte electrolyte, the self-corrosion rate was0.033mg·cm-2·d-1, the opencircuit potential was-1.23V, the discharge voltage was0.57V at5mA constant currentdischarge and the corrosion process of aluminum alloys could be explained byequivalent circuit L1Rs(Cdl(Rt(RcQ))(Ra1La1)(Ra2La2)).The Al-0.02Ga-0.5Mg-0.1Sn-0.1Si anode had a lower self-corrosion rate butmore positive open circuit potential in4M NaOH electrolyte after rolling at roomtemperature and the best performance could be got when the cold rolling reductionwas60%, the lowest self-corrosion rate was0.65mg·cm-2·min-1, the open circuitpotential was-1.80V and the discharge voltage was1.30V at20mA constant currentdischarge.
Keywords/Search Tags:Aluminium alloy, Anode material, Microalloying, Aluminum/airbattery, Electrochemical performance
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