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Study On The MHD Power Generation Experiment And The Numerical Analysis Of The Rotation Phenomenon About The Magnetic Fluid

Posted on:2014-11-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330401990275Subject:Computational Mathematics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ferrofluid is a new nano-smart material which is of huge value, for ithas both the magnetism of the solid materials and the mobility of the liquidand it combines the nanomaterials liquid systems and bloodletting technol-ogy. MHD power generation technology and the rotation phenomena of themagnetic fluid are very important applications of the magnetic fluid. Thispaper is to study the experiment of the MHD power generation technologyand the numerical analysis of the rotation phenomenon generated in a spe-cial ferrofluid pipe flow in magnetic feld, mainly including the following twosections:1.Based on the previous theory of the MHD generation experiments, wedesign and develop the experimental set-up proposed by Hitoshi Yamaguchiat the room-temperature and put up the simplifed set-up by insteading ofthe outer resistance by the electrometer to measure the electromotive forcegenerated in the test tube in the magnetic feld to directly study the fac-tors afecting the MHD power generation experiment. Combining with thetechnology of the digital image processing, we studied the MHD power gener-ation technology at room temperature from the theoretical and experimentalsystem. Satisfactorily, the experimental data have a good agreement withthe theoretical analysis, that is to say that the electromotive force generatedin the test tube decreases with increasing temperature and the internal re-sistance and increases with the increasing speed of the magnetic fluid. Inthis article, we also gives the image of the relationship of the electromo-tive force speed and temperature obtained in the experiment. Finally, wecompare the obtained experimental results with previous work to verify thefeasibility of the improved set-up.2. When the ferrofluid moves in the magnetic feld, the magnetic parti-cles will rotate along the shear plane freely, so the magnetic fluid is drivento move around the particle to induce an external fluid kinetic energy dis-sipation term, which is caused by magnetoviscosity. In this paper, we fnd out the rotation phenomenon, that is to say we derivate the expression ofthe magnetoviscosity, through studying the govering equations of a specialferrofluid pipe flow in the magnetic feld. Fortunately, the magnetoviscosityincreases with the increasing magnetic feld strength, and strongly dependson the fluid rotation rate, which is consistent with previous results about thenature of the magnetoviscosity. Finally, we analysis the range of pressure ofthe Poiseuille flow when the spin phenomenon occured using the simplifedgovering equations with numerical computation method.
Keywords/Search Tags:ferrofluid, MHD power generation system, MHD power gen-eration equations, ferrofluid pipe flow, ferrofluid kinematic equation, ferrofluidmagnetization equation, magnetoviscosity, Poiseuille flow
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