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Research On Functional Diffusion And Space Reconstruction In Changchun

Posted on:2014-10-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y T SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330401482065Subject:Urban planning and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The accelerated urbanization process constitutes the main driving force of China’ssocial and economic development. The development and growth of the city hasbecome a trend in the future. As the regional central city of Jilin Province, Changchunmust implement its economic health and sustainable development and growth with thebackground of northeast revitalization and the establishment of the ChangjituDevelopment and Opening pilot zone. At the same time, compared with other majorcities of China, Changchun has a big gap in size and cityscape, which greatly reducesthe external attractiveness and restricts economic development and upgrade.After a hundred years of construction, Changchun has formed the single-coreurban spatial structure, which always maintains a strong gathering ability to attract theregion’s population and industrial activities. Industry was so vigorously developed inthe planned economy period that industrial land was still kept in the central city.Besides, the Government allocated land uniformly and constructed a large number ofresidential and office space. Today, the urban district is intermixed various types ofland. And central city gradually evolved into the mixing zone based on commercialretail function and supplemented with residential, office, industrial and other functions.In recent years, the economic development speeds up, and the population, industryincreased dramatically. Traffic congestion, housing shortage, environmentaldegradation and other urban congestion problems have become increasingly prominent,which have more and more exposed to the irrationality of the spatial layout of urbanfunctions. The solution to these problems, relying on the extension and expansion ofthe "pie" type will only cause more serious unreasonable use of land, inefficientoperation of the city and the loss of farmland or forest.To solve the congestion problem of the central city, the city must be placed in abroader range of complementary and build the new center competing with thetraditional central to guide reasonable evacuation of urban functions, form new urbanfunctions spatial pattern, balance the high-quality development of urban space and prepare for urban orderly expansion in the future.Therefore, on the basis of analysis of the urban spatial development status, fullydrawing on the proliferation of urban functions at home and abroad experience, thispaper proposes the proliferation of urban functions and the optimization of urban spacereconstruction path to provide a reference for the urban spatial efficient use andsustainable development.The paper is divided into six chapters, mainly containing the theoretical part andthe practical part. The first and second chapters are theoretical preparation and theremaining four chapters are empirical part.The first chapter is the introduction, which mainly clears the background andsignificance of the research and puts forward the content and framework of this paper.The second chapter is the relevant theoretical preparation, mainly expanding fromthree parts, including the related concepts, the relevant theory, and research progress athome and abroad.The empirical part is the main part of this paper. The third chapter is Changchunfunctional space layout analysis, mainly based on the reality of the traffic congestion,which sums the functional space layout features, analyses the functional space layout,and puts forward the need for functional diffusion. The fourth chapter is the choice ofthe mode and path of spatial diffusion in Changchun. The fifth chapter promotesdiffusion path and layout of the living, industrial, service and transportation functions.The sixth chapter generally grasps the trend of functional diffusion, sums up urbanspatial reconstruction in pattern and puts forward the safeguard measures of spacereconstruction in Changchun.
Keywords/Search Tags:Changchun, Congestion State, Functional Diffusion, SpaceReconstruction
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