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Research On Intelligent Control Algorithm Of Megawatt Wind Turbine

Posted on:2014-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z S ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330401465708Subject:Control engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, Wind power technology is relatively mature technology to develop newtype of energy. Therefore, in-depth study of wind power technology is becoming moreand more important. With the development of industrial and the improvement of humanliving standards, conventional fossil energy sources, such as coal, oil, natural gas, hasbecome more and more scarce and increasingly depleted. Global industry lead to a largenumber of fossil energy consumption, waste emissions, waste residue, waste water. Allof these seriously destruct the natural environment. The current wind power equipmentalso has been improved continuously and is toward large-scale fan. The reliability of thewind generating set, the safety of the wind power generation Wind power equipmentcontinued improvement move large direction toward the fan. With the large-scale thefan device, the reliability of wind turbines and the safety of wind power generation hasbeen improved continuously. International development and utilization of wind energyis much earlier than in China, these lead to relatively backward in the development andutilization of some models in our country. Due to less research for Large-megawattwind power technology interiorly, domestic wind power operators can only introducelarge fan to solve the current demand. Therefore, in-depth study of large fan controlsystem is significantly important.In this research, variable speed pitch system of FD77wind turbines which isintroduced by Dong qi Group is as the research object. Its composition and controlmethod of wind turbine was studied and researched deeply. Variable pitch controllerbased on fuzzy control theory was established: intelligent variable pitch controller,fuzzy feed-forward compensation controller, and the tip speed ratio control forgenerator torque. and experiment with the authority of the wind turbine simulationsoftware GH-Bladed simulation. Through the analysis and summary of the simulationresults analysis and simulation results, and compared with PID control simulationexperiment data which is built-in GH-Bladed software, control effect can fully meet therequirements of the operators to develop performance indicators. Load the keycomponents of wind turbine on the size, have inevitable connection service life andsafety of fan. Therefore, the wind machine designers must carries on the analysis loadon the key components of wind turbine load. In this paper, the blade1.7J load by theGH-Blade software to verify, meet the fan operation of blade load limit. In order to ensure reliable security of the entire wind turbine, the study of windturbine yaw system control is an indispensable link in the entire process of fan controldesign. Therefore, in this article a composite controller based on fuzzy theory combinedwith conventional PID was designed. And through simulation platform MTLAB7.0, astep signal was verified. The results show that, this Composite controller cansignificantly improve the dynamic performance of fan yaw system.
Keywords/Search Tags:wind generate power, intelligent variable pitch, yaw system, GH-Bladed
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