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The Impact Of Raw Materials Of Concrete On Application Performance Of Superplasticizer

Posted on:2014-09-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330392472500Subject:Materials Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Superplasticizer as the third generation superplasticizer, not only has a low ash,high water reducing characteristics, but also has the ability to save the fresh concreteslump is good, hardened concrete shrinkage, alkali low content of chlorine and cleanenvironment, etc., have become an important component of the preparation ofhigh-performance concrete. With superplasticizer applications continues to expand andthe deepening field of research and found that raw materials for concretesuperplasticizer application performance is very obvious. Currently on systematicresearch on raw materials of concrete superplasticizer impact application performanceand mechanism of the law less, in order to better guide superplasticizer promote the useof the urgent need for a comprehensive study of concrete materials of polysuperplasticizer rules and application performance impact mechanism.This paper cement, fly ash, slag powder, powder, clay powder and nine kinds ofdifferent varieties of superplasticizer as raw material for cement paste and mortarfluidity experiments to study these types of concrete materials for superplasticizersample flows and its ability to maintain impact and ultraviolet spectrometermeasurements on these types of raw material powder superplasticizer moleculesadsorbed amount, explore its polycarboxylate superplasticizer rules and applicationperformance impact mechanism, and on this basis, seek to improve their adaptabilityand superplasticizer measures. The results showed that:Cement minerals affect the performance superplasticizer play, the content of C3A,C4AF in cement is high, will reduce its initial fluidity and C4AF will reduce its highcontent of the sample retained fluidity. Control in the cement alkali content of0.4%to0.63%range, superplasticizer for better adaptability. Cement particles on theadsorption of PCE and its fluidity of mortar specimens there is a positive correlation.Fly ash and slag powder, respectively,30%and40%range, with good adaptabilitysuperplasticizer, the fluidity of mortar specimens retained its fluidity increases withincreasing dosage; powder ash and slag powder particles on superplasticizer moleculesadsorbed amount equivalent to slightly less than cement.The application performance impact of Clay to superplasticizer is very serious,especially bentonite, when its dosage on1%, we have to make the new mortarspecimen basically lost mobility, but kaolinite and illite clay dosage respectively to reach5%and7%, to make fresh mortar specimens severely affected. Superplasticizerclay affect performance because of its strong adsorption of molecules on the PCE,bentonite particles on superplasticizer adsorption of molecules is about50times that ofcement, while kaolinite and illite soil particles of poly superplasticizer were only theadsorption capacity of cement5to10times, and2to5times. Powder dosage in therange of20%when the superplasticizer not adversely affect the dispersion, and evensome of the superplasticizer fresh slurry can also improve their ability to maintainliquidity; powder superplasticizer particles on the adsorption capacity of cement fairly.Negative effect on the resistance of clay method a preliminary exploration,discovery and use of lignin sulfonate superplasticizer compound can effectively resistthe negative effects of clay, and found a straight-chain organic compounds-"Littlemolecular resist agent ", the clays have a negative effect on the inhibitory effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Suitability, Raw materials, Polycarboxylate, Adsorption amount, Clay
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