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Preliminary Discussion On Inheritance And Evolution Of Characteristic Mountainous City Tairway

Posted on:2014-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H N DengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the long historical development, the mountain stairway space has graduallycreated and developed, such as Geleshan three hundred ladder which connects SichuanProvince and Chongqing and many other mountain stairways in Yuzhong Peninsularegion which jions the Jiangling and the Changjiang River. They are all the historicalimprints in the mother earth, connectting the ancient and modern memories ofChongqing. In the mountain city, topographic change with ups and downs height is amost basic natural environment for walking space. People walks up and down along themountain road, the stairway becomes the most common traffic space in mountainouscity. Convenient and flexible is the characteristics of mountain stairway. In the past timewhen the city’s public transportation was not improved, people used to mock upChongqing people’s travel with “Even walk is faster than the car”. It’s obviously easy tosee the importance of stairway in moutainous city.However, suffering from the strong development of urbanization with lack ofcultural connotations, mountain stairway has countered a lot of problems, such ashomogenization and blind imitation. Therefore, how to make mountain stairway tokeep local culture and regional characteristics, to achieve organic renewal andsustainable development and to succeed an organic unity between original shapes andregeneration parts has become a main subject discussed in this paper.Firstly, this paper will look back the development history of Chongqing mountainstairway and objectively anlysize the many problems occurred through histroy trackingand present developing anlysis. Secondly, analize the traditional mountain stairwayformation mechanism and space morphology and summarize its space patterns andcharacteristics; Thirdly, based on case investigations and analysis on modern mountainstairways, the paper will sort up modern implementing methods and analyze its valueevolution change. In the end, this paper will give some design ideas and strategiesregarding to background of the current era, in ode to provide some useful reference forfuture development of mountain stairway.
Keywords/Search Tags:Moutainous City, Stairway Space, Patterns, Modern Implantation
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