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Lunar Spacecraft Re-entry Orbit Design

Posted on:2013-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330392468679Subject:Machine and Environmental Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development of science and technology, space technology hasalso in recent decades has made rapid progress. Since the beginning of this century,countries around the world have shown unprecedented enthusiasm for the detection ofdeep space in the universe. U.S., Russia, the European Aeronautic Space Agency, Japan,India, the world’s space powers have launched their own deep space explorationprogram, especially from the Earth to our survival interest of the natural objects of themoon exploration activities, the most concentrated. China in this century, our own lunarexploration program "Chang’e" project, It is in this context, analysis and design forlunar exploration spacecraft re-entry in the return to Earth the orbit of the Earth’satmosphere.In this paper, previous work on the basis of full analysis of the lunar explorationspacecraft returned to Earth and re-entering the main features of the Earth’s atmosphereflight vehicle dynamics analysis, making this dynamic model can accurately describethe lunar vehiclereturn capsule in the mechanical state of the process of re-entering theEarth’s atmosphere, making a more accurate dynamic model. For aircraft flying withinthe atmosphere, air power is the ability to complete the key factors of the impact ofaircraft flight status and final mission. In this paper, based on the analysis of the orbitalcharacteristics of the reentry process, the atmospheric model segment, in high orbit,atmospheric model using the statistical model of the molecular dynamics the MSDCmethod to calculate the aerodynamic, low-earth orbit using the traditional continuum themodel of the NS equations for the aerodynamic calculation, thus ensuring the accuracyof the various stages of aerodynamic calculation in the full-orbital flight.Completion of the lunar exploration spacecraft re-entering the Earth’s atmospheredynamics and aerodynamic accurate calculation method on the basis of the basic typesof reentry simulation analysis, selected by comparing a jump reentrant designexplorationlunar orbiter reorbiting. The simulation process designed to ensure therationality of the track design process, through the Matlab programming, culminating inthe lunar exploration spacecraft re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere track design software,and design of the software results have proved a reasonable programming and accuracy.
Keywords/Search Tags:lunar spacecraft, re-entry, orbit design, aerodynamic, dynamics
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