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The Influence Of The Artistic Element Of Christianity-Cross On Jewelry Design

Posted on:2015-01-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C L JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2251330428469297Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Christian art as one of the source of inspiration in western art, its centralsymbol—“cross” not only influences our mind status and design thinking, but alsoinfiltrates into the nature and form of art design during the history, until now we stillcan see many cross elements from artworks. Based on the role played by crosselement in Christian art, this paper gives an synthetic analysis,and then researches onthe development of cross and extracts some points which can be used into jewelrydesign and studies how they work.Firstly, the performance of Christian art is summarized in this paper, basic artelements including plants and animals、figures and signs are analyzed and sorted, inwhich “cross” as the central symbol is studied at the range of its origin、types、category and characteristics. Next, it is discussed how cross element impacts thecreation of jewelry design. Finally, some ideas are given after the design practice, andthe tendency of cross jewelry in domestic market is predicted.This paper focuses on the reference and application of cross element in jewelrydesign. Firstly, design ideas and design characteristics are summarized from theancient typical cross works,and applicable design points are extracted in order tomeet the need of modern design, and the innovation of jewelry design is discussed atthe view of cross element including the analysis of application of cross on jewelrydesign from shape setting、material selection、color matching and style orientation, themix of Chinese traditional patterns and techniques and cross jewelry, the effect ofdisplay art on design of cross jewelry, marketing research and promotion of crossjewelry. Finally, some criterions are put forward for cross jewelry design.Through the study of cross and relevant design practice, this paper illustratedhow to integrate the cross element into jewelry design, and makes certain explorationon the fusion of east and west jewelry design on cross shape, and expounds how toperfect the decoration with Chinese traditional patterns on the basis of cross element using, or how to process by cultural decoration techniques to maximize the specialreligious beauty and fashion of cross jewelry in the more acceptable way, whichcontributes to the domestic marketing promotion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Christian art, cross, jewelry design
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