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The Traditional Felting Techniques And Modern Designs Of The Felt Objects In Inner Mongolia

Posted on:2014-11-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S J HaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2251330425474461Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper, from the angle of art, on the field investigation, artisans accesssurvey, production enterprises and sales market research, and the literature data andimage data as the foundation, conducts the research to the felt products in the InnerMongoliaAutonomous Region and its surrounding areas.First, studying the history of the felt objects in Inner Mongolia area.This articleuses the literature in ancient, found in the area of development, prosperity and declinedevelopment trajectory, and stages according to the time sequence, species, finishingstages felt products craftsmanship and the use of the crowd, according to thedevelopment of law of area of Inner Mongolia industry revival stage felt. After theliberation of Inner Mongolia around the historical data and business records, find outthe rise of modern felt industry in Inner Mongolia and the reasons for the decline,analysis of Mongolia traveling influence the business to the modern Inner Mongoliaarea felt industry, production and craftsmanship of felt workshop, to study businessand management features, analysis of its advantages and limitations.Second, summarizing the differences of felting techniques from the differentregions and different groups in Inner Mongolia. Through the visit to the carpet maker,to understand the difference between Inner Mongolia and Mongolia Han felt felt,parallel table comparison, is the fundamental difference was found between the two,Han felt attention felt practical value, Mongolia felt in addition to use value, moreemphasis on the spirit of the field effect. Performance in the felting ceremony, feltdecorative methods, tools, felt use etc.The real and its production in different regionsin Inner Mongolia area into the induction process felt products, analysis of the impactof the surrounding culture on species, felt products technology, aesthetics, and culturalattributes. The blankets in the history of the development of the area for over2500years, summarizing constantly absorbing advanced culture fusion, find out theinfluence of Han culture, Buddhist culture, shamanistic culture on felt products.Finally, finding the combination of traditional culture and modern design, putforward the views of application method.To visit the local production and salesenterprises understand felt felt products, production in the Inner Mongolia area andthe application condition, at the same time, through market research, exhibition,network and books on felt products in developed countries and regions of the innovation of techniques were studied, among the two are compared and analyzed,finding out the combination of traditional culture and modern design the idea, methodof application and traditional felting technique in modern design, mainly divided intoand modern felt product design of Mongolia nationality style doctrine felt productdesign. The blankets in the background of modern design, a new design concept in thedeveloped countries and the fashion stage is different from the traditional blankets,put forward the development and the design principle of felt products in InnerMongolia area. At the same time, according to the economic and trade of InnerMongolia local advantages, how to reasonable use put forward their own views ofwool resources and the protection of cultural heritage and inheritance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Inner Mongolia region, felt objects, traditional techniques, moderndesign
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