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Research On Environmental Administrative System Of China

Posted on:2015-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D C ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, China is confronted with a severe challenge on issue of environment.Environmental pollution and ecological damage are threatening the sustainable developmentof the economy and society of our country. They also have badly harmful effect on people’slife quality and heath. It’s an urgent task to solve environmental problems and improve theenvironmental quality. It’s very important to construct an excellent environmentaladministrative system and provide a guarantee of environment protection.There are still many problems in the environmental administrative system of our country.We need to rationalize the relationships in many aspects. In the environmental protectionnowadays, central government’s environmental policy and environmental laws are notexecuted strictly by local governments. Multiple management is existing and the strength ofdepartments is divided. The local governments lack of cooperation. The public participation isnot performing. All these problems have a bad impact on environmental protection. Thereasons are various. The high priority of GDP influences local governments and official’svalues. The inherent defect of administrative system causes efficacy limitation. The lawsabout environmental administrative system are not sufficient, and the operating of the systemlacks of guide and restriction.Developed counties construct well-running environmental administrative system in theprocess of performing their functions. They are the reference of our country. We shouldabsorb beneficial experience of other country adequately on the basis of correct understandingof our country.The Third Plenary Session of Eighteenth Central Committee leads the way and hashigher demands for the improving of the environmental administrative system. It is veryimportant and urgent to improve the system. When improving the environmentaladministrative system of our country, we should follow the leading of The Third PlenarySession of Eighteenth Central Committee, absorb advanced experience sufficiently and solvethe problem pertinently. On the relationship between central and local governments, we should adjust the motivation of local governments and strength the controlling force of centralgovernment to ensure that central environmental policies are executed. On the relationshipbetween departments, we should promote super-ministries reform and improve the system ofunified supervision and management by environmental protection department. On therelationship between local governments, they should strengthen cooperation in regionalenvironmental management. On the relationship between government and people, publicparticipation system should be promoted and people should supervise the government. Ourcountry’s environmental administrative system will be better by various efforts. The systembarrier will be removed. A strong and integrated environmental working force will be formed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Environmental protection, Environmental administrative system, Systemimproving
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