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Fabrication Of Palladium Nanowires Using Insulin Fibers As Templates

Posted on:2014-12-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2251330422465271Subject:Condensed matter physics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The fabrica of nanowires is an important sign in nanodevice application, butthe cost of preparation is very high, in older to reduce the cost, scientists are lookingfor alternative fibers as templates to preparation conductive nanowire. Now, mostamyloid have been confirmed can be used for the template. In this paper, we chooseinsulin fibers as template to fabricate chains of palladium nanoparticlesThere have three aspects for us to study:Firstly, research how to get fiber templates. In this experiment, in order to getfiber templates we controlled the temperature、concentration, and use AFM、FTIR tocharacte them, found that when in liquid, at the environment of70℃、500ug/mland cultivated25hours, fiber’s high up to3.3nm, its structure from alpha helix intostable beta–fold, the fiber’s toughness also is very good up to3.3G, is an betternanofibers template.Secondly, research how to get metal nanoparticles how to control the size. theprecious metal salts solution can hydrolyzed from insoluble into particles in the water.We through control the palladium solution in different temperatures、concentrationand time. From this study found that at a certain range, the temperature is higer andthe concentration is greater, then the insoluble particles will be more, and the sizewill be biger. By AFM characterizated the palladium chloride, when theconcentration is5mm at10℃and20℃the palladium chloride diameter from3.3nm to17.1nm. Experiments confirmed that we can obtaind oxidated palladiumnanoparticles. And the size can be controlled.Thirdly, research how to fabrica metal nanowies. We use protein fibers in liquidand surface mixturd with metal nanoparticles, found that in the liquid can abtaindgood result, and the sample surface is clean. characterizatid by AFM and gaussfitting found that at10℃and20℃,5mm oxygen metalthe average diameter ofnanowires vaird from7.5to20.1nm. were successfully achieved by heating thesample up to600℃under the hydrogen atmosphere and keeping for2hours before cooling down to room temperature. In addition, the X-ray photoelectronspectroscopy was also used to characterize the chemical composition of the fabricatedpalladium metal nanowires. most oxide palladium have been reducted.This experiment proved that the preparation of metal palladium nanowires useinsulin fibers as a template can be realized.
Keywords/Search Tags:insulin fiber, oxide palladium particles, metal nanowires
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