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Study On Fenton+ammonia Stripping+EGSB+Contact Oxidation Tank+ANAMMOX Treating The Leachate

Posted on:2014-12-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2251330401988914Subject:Environmental Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Using Fenton+Ammonia tripping+EGSB+contact oxidation tank+ANAMM-OX process for treatment of the leachate, ANAMMOX was put into UASB.Study on best reaction of condition Fenton and Ammonia tripping; treatmenteffect of every biochemical reactor, EGSB+contact oxidation tank+ANAMM-OX and Fenton+ammonia+EGSB+contact oxidation tank+ANAMMOX treatingthe leachate.Best reaction of condition Fenton treating COD: when dosing quantityof FeSO4·7H2O and H2O2was respectively10g/L,15ml/L. After pH was ad-justed to3, tistirring15min and standing2hours, then pH again was adj-usted to8and standing1hour. Best reaction of condition of ammonia stri-pping was that pH was11; the condition of the ratio of air to water was3000:1, temperature was adjusted to30℃.When COD concentration was18872469mg/L, ammonia concentration w-as11351348mg/L, the average removal rates of COD, ammonia, total nitr-ogen in EGSB were respectively89%,40.8%,33.9%;and COD concentrationwas19092491mg/L, ammonia concentration was10551408mg/L, the aver-age removal rates of COD, ammonia, total nitrogen in UASB were respecti-vely90%,39%,37.7%.When ammonia concentration was445783mg/L andCOD average concentration was1082mg/L, the biofilm on the surface of fi-ller in contact oxidation tank was well, the COD average removal rates was77%, ammonia nitrogen average conversion was83%. When upflow veloci-ty of EGSB and UASB were respectively2.8m/h,0.25m/h, their HRT wererespectively19h,9h, HRT of contact oxidation tank was18h, the efficiencyof “Fenton+ammonia stripping+EGSB+contact oxidation tank+ANAMMOX”treating the leachate was better than “EGSB+contact oxidation tank+ANA-MMOX”.COD concentration, ammonia concentration and total nitrogen conc-entration of the former’s final effluent were respectively645mg/L、10mg/Land105mg/L, average removal rates were89%、99%and95%; COD conce-ntration, ammonia concentration and total nitrogen concentration of the latte- r’s final effluent were respectively1677mg/L、617mg/L and650mg/L,averageremoval rates were52%、73%and75%.COD average concentration of the final effluent was645mg/L, after theaeration biological treatment, COD lowest concentration, COD average con-centration and COD average removal rates were respectively271mg/L,318mg/L and42%...
Keywords/Search Tags:Leachate, pretreatment, biochemical treatment, combined process
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