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Research On The Environmental Liability Insurance In China From The Perspective Of Famers’ Environmental Rights

Posted on:2014-09-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J X XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2251330401972321Subject:Environment and Resources Protection Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, environment pollution accidents occur frequently in China. Since somevictims can not receive the compensation in time, it leads to social conflicts. Environmentalpollution liability insurance system can not only protect victims’ rights and interest, but alsoembody corporate responsibility and maintain social stability. On one hand, as corporationsparticipating insurance system, responsibility can be implemented in time when accidentsoccur. On the other hand, market regulation can help reducing government’s financial burden.Then, this paper will focus on environment liability insurance system study.Based on national conditions and experiment situations, weakness still exist in the designand practice of environmental pollution liability insurance system, especially on constructionof legal system. In fact, pollution will not only influence farmers’ farm work but also beharmfult to their health. As more and more polutting industries move to countryside, famersare the biggest volnerable groups in environment pollution accidents. If famers’ protectioncan be considered as breakthrough for establishment of environmental pollution liabilityinsurance system, good effect will be achieved in practice.This paper focus on the protection of famers’ rights in environment pollution accidentsand legalization of environment liability insurance system. Hence, the insurance system’sweakness will also be talked, including imperfection of regulation measures, legalconstruction and absence of concern and technique support for famers. By studying on foreignenvironmental pollution liability insurance system, the significance of insurance systemconstruction in China will be concluded. Furthermore, a series of suggestions of insurancesystem construction will also be presented, including construction of related mechanism,expansion of experiments and improvement of its maneuverability. And the most importantone is that enhancing special and local legislation, and bringing in the right of direct claim. Ihope this paper can be helpful to experiment and construction of environmental pollutionliability insurance system.
Keywords/Search Tags:environment pollution, liability insurance, famers’ environmental rights, legislative perfection
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