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Degradation Of Magnesium Alloys And Preliminary Probe Of Human Magnesium Supplementation

Posted on:2014-02-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2251330392472202Subject:Materials Science and Engineering
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In recent years, magnesium alloys as biodegradable implant materials has attracteda lot of attention and research. But the research focus is mainly focused on theenhancement of corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of the magnesiumalloy. Actually, poor corrosion resistance is both fundamental natures can be used as abiodegradable material, but rapid corrosion has limited its promotion in clinicalapplications. Many scholars have proposed a variety of methods to improve thecorrosion resistance of magnesium alloy. Yet, less taking into account the release ofcorrosion products, structural integrity and mechanical properties, may impact on thehuman body. The one hand, the rapid corrosion will generate Mg2+, H2,OH-anddissolved alloy elements or other corrosion products. Or even materials lumps offinjured tissue and impacted human health. In the other hand, most of the human oranimal is free active, which causes the implant materials subjected to various tension,compression, shear, abrasion, and other forces, and may cause the magnesium alloyfailure accelerate or fracture, increases the risk of secondary fractures. So corrosioncaused by the changes in the mechanical properties must be received attention too.In addition, magnesium-based biomaterials mainly orthopedic and cardiovascularimplant materials research. which concerned is its therapeutic effect. But infact,Magnesium as nutrients is indispensable in everyday life. Serious shortage of dailymagnesium intake for most people but did not pay attention to.The possibility of usingmagnesium’s easily degradable to obtained the nutritional Mg2+to body, in order tomake up for the lack of people’s daily intake of magnesium,Will be a very interestingstudy.This topic is divided into three parts. First, investigated the AZ Departmentmagnesium alloy corrosion degradation process in m-SBF and degradation impacting tom-SBF status, also alloy mechanical properties change was considered. Second, fourmagnesium alloy dissolution behavior in the beverage has been explored and analyzed,the feasibility of magnesium alloy degradation to achieved magnesium supplementationin daily has also been discussed.Last but not least, a preliminary study about thedifferent magnesium intakes on the health status of the animals(mice and zebrafish),which will be to supplement magnesium in biology data.The papers obtained following main conclusions: (1) Soak for28days in the m-SBF simulation environment of the humancirculatory, mass loss rates of Mg,AZ31and AZ91were:14.7%,16.1%and10.8%,compressive strength decreased by31.9%,51.6%and27.1%, respectively, whichAZ31fastest decline.(2) Placed pure Mg, AZ31, AZ91and of Mg-1.0Ca alloy in three drinks, thedissolution rate: Mg1.0Ca> Mg> of AZ31> of AZ91; for magnesium alloy dissolutionrate in mineral water, carbonated drinks and beer was: carbonated drinks> Beer>mineral water. Stirring can slight increase the efficiency of magnesium dissolved incarbonated drinks and beers.(3) Obtained the relation of four magnesium alloy (Mg, AZ31, AZ91, and ofMg-1.0CA) placing time and the volume of the desired beverageto give100mg daily fillamount of magnesium; proposed the view that magnesium alloy desirability designedmineral water container and stirring rod of carbonated drinks and beers.(4) Addition60mg/L Mg2+to the drinking water of mice, kidney, liver coefficientof mouse were increased by7%and15%, and improved cardiac ATP enzyme activityand to reduced the number of liver MDA.But effect decreaseif continue increaseconcentration of Mg2+to120mg/L。(5) Addition60mg/L Mg2+to the drinking water of mice,make liver magnesiumand renal magnesium concentration were increased by8.4%,11.6%and24.1%, butwhen concentration was120mg/L, magnesium concentration of serum, liver and renalstarted to decrease.(6) in the zebra fish feed add600mg/kg magnesium increased muscle magnesiumcontent and ATP enzyme activity of the heart, reduced the number of liver MDA;However,the opposite situation will be occurred if increase magnesium to1200mg/kg.(7) Magnesium reduces the fecundity of the zebrafish embryo survival, butimproved embryo survival and reduce juvenile deformity rate.
Keywords/Search Tags:degradation of magnesium alloy, magnesium supplementation, enzymeactivity
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