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Empirically Study On Our Country Public’s Environmental Right To Know

Posted on:2014-05-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2251330392472048Subject:Environment and Resources Protection Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Environmental right to know is right that social public know and gain theenvironmental information according to the law. Main contents include two aspects: onthe one hand, the public have rights to receive environment information, the other haveaccess to true environment information of their survival environment related.Environment problems are getting serious with the rapid economic development of ourcountry. We must full protect the public’s environmental right to know in systems, forcoping with worsening environment problems, further developing harmonious society.Environmental right to know must give enough protection, improving public’senvironmental awareness, encouraging the public to participate environmentalprotection, bettering survival situations. However, the present situation of public’senvironmental right to know is anxious. The public don’t have access to environmentalinformation in time and accurately, it is adverse for development of harmonious societyThis paper developed a discussion around our country public’s environmental rightto know using empirically studies. First of all, it mainly discussed general situationabout environmental right to know around its essence, including the concept of theenvironmental right to know, the subtle distinction between related concepts, its natureand main content, it provided theoretical foundations for following sections. Next, thesecond of this paper revealed the present station of our country public’s environmentalright to know by Social Survey about o our country public’s environmental right toknow, it provided practical basis for following sections. Based on above two parts, thepaper of third part analyzed the dilemma of our country public’s environmental right toknow: our legislation and matching relevant system are no clear rules on the public’senvironmental right to know, the forms are is limited that The public get environmentalinformation, relates with the Public participation system unclosed, could not getenvironmental information of industries and products, the extent of environmentalinformation is systematical and wide,the roles and responsibilities of governments areno clear and right remedy system was incomplete. To get our countries public’s theenvironmental right off the dilemma, the paper absorbed and profited from the concreteprocedures to the public’s environmental right to know on abroad such as legislation,the forms of getting environmental information, the Public participation system, Theroles and responsibilities of governments and the right remedy systems.In view of Our country actual situation, the article put forward the ideas of perfection our the public’senvironmental right to know out of the dilemma,from the establishing of the Law, thepublic’s participation in protection environment, the perfect the responsibilityinvestigation and the fight relief mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:the public’s environmental right to know, environmental information, the public’s participation, the conception of system
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