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Analysis Of Air Separation Process Seal Failure

Posted on:2013-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K T ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2251330392470798Subject:Chemical Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Air separation unit is the petrochemical, iron and steel smelting, coal chemicalindustry and other industrial applications of key equipment. Generally in the processof air separation device of front end, whether stable, long cycle operation of the entiresystem safety and economic benefit of enterprise. According to the production processin the operation of air separation system of statistics, unplanned shutdown muchbecause of sealing failure.This paper introduces a certain chemical factory air separation process isimportant equipment and sealing method. On the air compressor, turbine, a circulationwater pump and a cryogenic liquid pump in the production of sealing failure causeswere analyzed, related to the mechanical seal, packing seal, labyrinth seal and otherchemical production process in the common seal.On the air separation process of the gasket sealing failure causes were analyzedin theory, and combining the actual situation of production, use ANSYS software tosimulation analysis under the working condition of flange sealing reliability. Selectionof air separation process of heat exchange equipment (steam heater) as therepresentative, the head gasket seal in the normal state of the work force wassimulated and analyzed by the gasket, under the operating condition of stress andstrain distribution, judge the gasket sealing reliability. In order to advance revealed thepresence of seal failure of hidden equipment, well planned maintenance. Reduce theunplanned shutdown of the effect on the system, raise economic benefits.
Keywords/Search Tags:Air separation, Seal, Failure Analysis, Simulation
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