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Research On Network Properties Of Random Neighbors

Posted on:2014-05-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S L LouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2250330401482615Subject:Control theory and control engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Generally, a complex system which has interactions between multiple individuals often can abstract complex network. Each individual in the system treated as a node in the network, and the interaction relationship between the individual corresponding to the connected edge of the network. Then, the complex network theory can be used to describe the structure of the complex system characteristics, and understand of the function and the nature of the complex system. So, the study of complex networks and complex systems research based on the node in the network attributes is the basis for the foundation. In this paper, we have studied the network properties of random neighbor nodes in the context of complex network.First, we proposed a random connection model for the formation of scale-free networks. Second, we analyzed network topology changes law in the evolution of non-random network growth. Third, we designed the network attack strategies based on the random neighbor nodes. The main content of this paper and the results obtained are as follows:1. Based on difficulties in access to global information the vast majority of the actual network evolution, as well as scale features in the actual network evolution. We proposed a new model for a random connection mechanism of scale-free networks. The model design idea is that a random neighbor node been selected to Increase even edge with the new node. The results show that the model network has the good characteristics of scale-free networks. Compared with the traditional scale-free network model, the new model need only master node in the network of local information, connected by random mechanism can generate scale-free network. This will enhance the computational efficiency of the model, and enhance the feasibility of the model in the practical promotion and application. At the same time, based on the derivation of the mean field theory results show the random neighbors tend to have larger value. This also further illustrates the random connection mechanism may generate scale-free networks.2. For more comprehensive study of random neighbors have network properties of tend to value larger, select a random network has a fixed number of nodes and the number of non-growth links from as objects. The random network the broken edge reconnection network evolution, choose a random neighbor node in the network edge even reconnect. Relevant conclusions based on the master equation approach, due to the reconnection process can often connected dimension values larger node, so number of iterations in different network evolution degree distribution results, found that the scale-free networks in the evolution of the medium-term transient network status. And since the model protection mechanism in network connectivity, and ultimately get the degree distribution of the network as polarized distribution. We have studied attributes of random neighbor node in Non-growing random network.3. For the above study, we found that the random neighbor node has degree value larger network properties. In order to study the robustness and vulnerability of the network, we designed a new attack strategy which attack random neighbors. We combined with two attack strategies, which are random failure strategy and intentional attack strategy. We attempted to three different attack strategies in the same circumstances in a random network and scale-free networks respectively. The results show that the random neighbor policy in effect reach the deliberate attack, but much better than the effect under random failure. Network robustness of the strategy will be showing the state between random failures and deliberate attacks. Theoretical analysis detailed description of this attack can often attack the more important nodes in the network.Finally, we conducted the full text of the research summary, and further this research raised some hopes and suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:complex network, neighbor node, randomness, random networks, scale-free, robustness
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