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Modeling Of Complex Networks And Transmission Of The Virus

Posted on:2012-07-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y T ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2250330401477451Subject:Computer application technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Complex networks are a high abstract of complex system, Hawking said:“Thetwenty-first century is the century of complexity.” Complex system is composed of manyinteracting subsystems, the subsystem is abstracted as the node, the interaction between thesubsystems or nodes interconnected into the connection between the abstract, such acomplex system can become a complex abstract network, so that the complex networks ishigh abstract of complex systems. Complex system abstracted as complex networksfacilitate macro and micro levels of complex system in-depth study analysis. In engineeringtechnology fields, there are a large number of complex systems. Complex networks canalso be understood as the abstract of the topological structure of complex system. In thesmall world network model and BA network model appeared, the research of complexnetworks developed very quickly, and appeared numerous expansion model and evolutionalgorithm. In this paper, we get global and local characteristics of complex systems. Theobservations of complex systems can improve mathematical model of complex networksmodel.Study of complex networks is still in its infancy, there are still many issues to beaddressed in the application are also far from the level that people expect. First, weconducted in-depth complex network theory and experimental research, including theconcept of complex networks, modeling, and in its spread on the mechanism and kineticanalysis. Further, the analysis of complex network modeling and transmission dynamicsmodel. Second, we compared to the typical complex network modeling methods, reachedthe merits of extended model. On this basis, specific issues of new modeling algorithms andthe main factors affect the virus. For example, the complex networks topology model andits properties, the basic network model of virus propagation. This paper intends to throughthe transmission mechanism of complex network and kinetic analysis of the impact tospread the virus and its control.BA evolving network model to possess ground-breaking significance. This paperstudies this evolution of the classic network model and bases on the actual situation toextend their evolutionary algorithm. Based on the traditional Chinese thought inspiration,we improved the WS small-world networks and opened up a new train of thought forcomplex network. And to further analyze the theoretical and the practical impact of complex systems. Established by the complexity of the extended network of transmissiondynamics-SIR model, observe and measure the spread of the virus on the networkcharacteristics. By comparing the spread of the classical dynamics on the BA network-SIRmodel, summarizes their similarities and differences, to further improve the SIR model,make it more realistic propagation characteristics of complex systems dynamics.The significance of this article: On the one hand, to develop existing theory ofcomplex networks, on the other hand, to improve the complex networks in practicalapplication...
Keywords/Search Tags:modeling of complex networks, small-world network, scale-free network, complexsystems
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