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The Study Of The Risk Prevention Mechanism Of Agricultural Industrialization In Fujian Province

Posted on:2010-11-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249360272479225Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In President Hu Jintao’s report at 17th Party Congress: "As resolution of issues concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers has an overall impact on building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, we must always make it a top priority in the work of the whole Party. We will explore effective forms of collective economic operations, develop specialized farmers’ cooperatives, and support the industrialized operation of agriculture and the development of leading agribusinesses." The industrialized operation of agriculture, which essence is Community interest formed by agriculture’s plural main body of the market, regarding agreement as the tie, through the "risk-sharing, benefit-sharing" mechanism for the distribution of interests so that system changes of the potential gains can be realized.In the late 1970s ,Fujian Province has began the trial of agricultural industrialization, where trial in some state-owned farms, outskirts of large cities and areas of economic crops. After nearly 30 years of development, achieved the rural market economic development by the agricultural industrialization organizations so that Fujian Province’s industrial agricultural industrialization into a new stage. Theory and practice has fully proved that the industrial management of agriculture in Fujian Province’s steady progress in promoting the process of the agricultural market, promote agricultural restructuring, improve agricultural specialization and scale of operations, realization of agricultural technological progress, stability and increase their income, decentralization and avoid risks, and so played a major role. However, the industrialization of agriculture risk is still very inadequate understanding of the laws of the risk management measures on the experience is still not enough, resulting in industrial management of agriculture not only can not solve the problem of agricultural production risk, in certain areas, or even zoom. Therefore, the Fujian agricultural industrialization risk analysis system to identify their internal laws, and accordingly put forward feasible risk prevention mechanisms, with great theoretical value and practical significance.Based on this, this paper introduces risk prevention mechanism of Fujian Province’s agricultural industrialization. The whole paper is divided into four parts by a total of seven sections of seven parts, structured as follows:The first part: Chapter 1 ,the introduction.The second part : Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Clarifies the development of Fujian Province’s agricultural industrialization and its major risk factor. At the same time, introduces the approacan of assessment of the Fujian Province’s agricultural industrialization’s major risk.The third part : Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Introduces the international experience of preventing the risk of the agricultural industrialization. On this basis, the initial construction of the Fujian Province’s industrial management of agriculture basic model of risk prevention mechanisms, strengthen its effectiveness and make specific recommendations.The fourth part: Chapter 7, the conclusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fujian Province, agricultural industrialization, risk, risk prevention, mechanism
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