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Study On The Evaluation And Optimization Of Rural Financial Ecological System

Posted on:2014-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Z ChenFull Text:PDF
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If finance is the core of modern economy, we can say the pros and cons of the financial ecological development related to the co-ordination of economic growth. Since the policy of Reform and Opening up started in China, China’s economic construction has made remarkable achievements, but with the impact of the urban-rural dual economic structure and the constraints of traditional economic model, a range of issues also appeared in the process of the development of China’s financial, such as financial regulatory risks, banks imbalance in the structure of financial markets. Healthy financial ecological environment, play an important role in the direction of the healthy development for the financial sector, the steady growth of the total social financing, and financial support in the sustainability of economic development; Conversely, an adverse financial environment will lead to areas of deposit and loan growth, Hindering people’s livelihood, and many other systemic problems, even slow down the speed of regional economic development.Chongqing is the only one municipality in the western areas, it’s a major city with large rural, mountainous area and the reservoir areas, the contradiction between the urban and rural structure is quite obvious. As the National Comprehensive Reform Experimental Zone, the essential requirements of the Overall-planned Urban-Rural Development are people-oriented, interactive development, and the establishment of agricultural township, and build a long-term mechanism to promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas. Meanwhile,.it is also required that gradually weakened the differences by institutional reforms and policy adjustments between urban and rural areas.When making the national economic development plan, determine the distribution of national income, and deciding the major economic policies, the government should put the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers forward, so as to increase the support and protection of the rural economy. As to Chongqing, a healthy and stable operation of rural financial ecological environment in all counties are important to the regional financial system, thereby affecting the quality and speed of economic development, and affect the realization of the goal for the Overall-plan. Therefore, under the background of Urban-Rural Development, the systematic study of on Chongqing rural financial ecological system, to reveal a close relationship between its economic growth, and put forward policy recommendations, has some theoretical value and practical significance on the development of rural financial ecological research and local economic development research.The article based on the Chongqing city, departure from the financial ecological theory perspective, use "how to achieve the objective evaluation of financial ecosystem in the rural counties "as research objectives, focus on" what is the financial ecology, how is the rural financial ecological environment in Chongqing, what are the defects in all counties of rural financial ecosystem,and how to optimize rural financial ecosystem". Through analyzing the system, the author tried to collect and accumulate more data and information, learn more about the typical, and thus provides a basis to carry out the less developed areas of rural financial ecological construction, especially in urban and rural areas process, in order to find some problem and create new subjects for theoretical research, so as to further promote the sustainable development of the of Chongqing rural financial ecological environment, and promote the process of Chongqing urban and rural work.This article contains6chapters in all, which are as follows:the first chapter briefly outlined the background and significance of this topic, and it also summarizes the current study results of this topic. The second chapter states the situation at home and abroad to provide the theoretical tools for the further research. The third chapter introduces the current situation of financial ecosystem in Chongqing, and compares with other provinces in West areas. The fourth and fifth chapters are the key points of this essay. By analyzing the status of rural financial ecosystem development in all counties, the author used factor analysis method, selected rural financial institutions, rural economic development, social development in rural areas and state of rural credit as4major factors to evaluate rural financial ecosystem of the29counties in Chongqing. The empirical results show that:the Chongqing Rural financial ecosystem level is not that high, the overall level of rural financial ecological construction between the districts and counties are quite different. The reason for this defect lies in, rural financial ecological main support for agriculture are not enough, rural financial foundation is weak,and rural financial ecosystem regulation insufficient. Accordingly, the article argues the following optimizations, that is to improve the operational efficiency of rural financial institutions to enhance the breadth and depth of financial services; innovative rural financial services, to enrich rural financial market system; deepen economic restructuring to improve the comprehensive strength of the rural economy; improve rural risk compensation mechanism to enhance the rural financial guarantee credit system; increase government subsidy support to provide good public rural environment, and encourage the formation of a long-term mechanism to promote of Chongqing rural financial ecosystem construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural Financial Ecological System, Evaluation system, the Overall-planned Urban-Rural Development, Chongqing
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