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Post-evaluation On The Project Of Qiushi Agricultural Products Supply And Marketing Service Platform

Posted on:2014-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330395999554Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Post-project Evaluation is a techno-economic management activity based on systematical analysis and summary of construction goal, running process, comprehensive profit, and functions during and after completion of project. Post-project Evaluation is an applied subject that produced in the United States of America in the1930s. With changes and developments of Post-project Evaluation, it has increasingly become a mature theory and technology, and has received more and more attention and praise so far. With the extensive application of Post-project Evaluation in various industries and organizations, it has gradually become an indispensable part of the investment supervision and project management.This paper reviewed and summarized the production and the development of post-project evaluation at home and abroad, and systematically expatiated and analyzed its theory and methods. On these bases, through the use of comprehensive comparative and logical framework method, it post-evaluated the project of Qiushi agricultural products supply and marketing service platform. It analyzed the project’s feasibility study in the earlier stage, construction in mid-term and running in the later period, and compared the main techno-economic indicators before and after the completion of project. Evaluated by the use of Expert-Grading Method, the project’s construction goal has been well achieved with its operation goal to reach in5to8years. Thus this project is post-evaluated to be successful in construction and operation. The paper endeavors to explore and expand post-evaluation’s application in traditional agricultural products selling to modern circulation area and examine its effect on agricultural products marketing and supply service platform. The post-evaluation on the project of Qiushi agricultural products supply and marketing service platform has confirmed post-evaluation theory and method and give decision makers more confidence to innovate as well.In the end, the article summed up some practical experience and lessons concerning the project of the Qiushi agricultural products supply and marketing service platform’s problems, and then put forward related recommendations and improvement about it, with a view to serve its later operation and other similar future projects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Post-project evaluation, Agricultural Products, Supply and Marketing, Service Platform
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