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Research On Channel Construction And Management Of Self-owned Car Brands In Chang’an Automobile Company

Posted on:2014-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330395998571Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Today’s auto market is full with fierce competition. It is becoming more and more difficult for automobile enterprises to obtain sustainable competitive advantage. Automobile dealers’right to speak is more and more powerful. Also, with the application and promotion of Internet, marketing channels is becoming more and more important in the marketing management of automotive enterprises. Automotive marketing channel is the heart and soul of the entire sales system. It is also the key for the automobile enterprises to build marketing channels suiting for their own development to support the efficient operation of the entire sales system. In the face of China’s auto market’s active competition, one of Chang’an’s own-brand vehicles’urgent tasks is to explore its suitable automotive marketing channel that both links to international channels and consistent with China’s national conditions. The one who gets channels has the world.The paper is divided into two parts. These two themes are discussed around the distribution channel mode and channel management. Its research purpose is to explore the reasonableness of Chang’an’s own brand car distribution channels. Based on the summary of the automotive distribution channels in Europe and the United States, this paper proposes Chang’an’s own brand car distribution channel mode, the evaluation system, the incentives and appropriate countermeasures.After discussion of the history of domestic and international car channel development, the first part of this paper discusses foreign auto modes of distribution channels, the types of domestic distribution channels. It comprehensively analyzes currently used main car channel model and the problems and future trends in the4S shop in the brand licensing mode. It also analyzes channel mode selection and the inevitability to improve management system. It focuses on the channel model’s timing, ways and solution. It also proposes the suggestion to mainly carry out the4S shop mode, with the coexistence of multiple channel modes and the effective integration of the Internet.The second part of this paper describes the problem of Chang’an’s own-brand vehicles in the dealer’s evaluation and incentive system. It also discusses the purposes and principles of the design evaluation and incentive system. Then it proposes the countermeasures of designing channel evaluation and incentive system from the perspective of dealers’demand. The research purpose of this paper is to analyze the current situation、mode、constraints、evaluation system、incentives and future development of Chang’an’s own brand car distribution channels by analyzing the actual situation of its distribution channels. Its aim is to reasonably design and manage its car distribution channels, to integrate the existing channels and solve channel conflict by using suitable channel mode, thus providing valuable channel evaluation and incentive strategy and suggestion. By this way, it will be more convenient for users to buy Chang’an’s own-brand vehicles. Chang’an’s own-brand vehicles will become cheaper, faster to respond the market demand. Chang’an’s own-brand vehicles market channel will develop towards faster transmission of information.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chang’an Self-owned car brands, Channel mode, Channel management
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