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Research On The Marketing Strategy Of Tourism

Posted on:2013-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330395952107Subject:Tourism Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In2011, recovery of the international economy has been slowed down and manycountries are facing a crisis of inflation and difficulties of macro-control. Thedevelopment of the tourism industry is facing difficulties, too. The growth of thedomestic economy has been slowing down, the price of the products are risingcontinuously. The citizens are becoming more and more cautious about theconsumption on the travelling and entertainment.According to the requirements of the countries to develop tourism, the localitieshave launched a marketing battle to put forward a new marketing strategy, in order tomade the initiative in the fierce competition. Tourism destination marketing has notattracted enough attention in the past. But now it becomes the most disputing topic forboth government and academia, and proposed a collaborative perspective touristdestination marketing this situation, based on the synergy theory to explore the tourism destinationmarketing strategy, This thesis analyze the cooperative movement mechanism in theprocess of destination marketing, proposed a collaborative perspective tourist ashospitality Shandong, for example.Followings are the main contents;(1) An analysis of the background and significance of the thesis research,collaborative learning theories expounded the basic principles of the theory ofcollaborative and collaborative learning in all fields.(2) By the concept of tourism destination marketing, to analyze the situation of thedomestic and international tourism destination marketing, to point out the problems ofthe domestic tourism destination marketing and destination marketing innovations.(3) By using the basic principles of collaboration theory, analyze the phenomenon inthe tourism destination marketing operations, proposed to pave the way for thedestination marketing strategy.(4) Hospitality Shandong "Empirical research, for example, pointed out how to use the synergy theory to optimize the tourism destination marketing, marketing strategyin the collaborative perspective.(5) Summarize the content of this thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:destination marketing, collaborative theory of synergies
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