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The Analysis On The Type Of Brand Audiences And Consumer Psychology

Posted on:2013-06-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhangFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid development of mass media, especially in the rapid advance of theInternet as the representative of the new media in the world, Audience today is no longerjust walk between the different media readers, listeners and viewers,or a mere recipientof the message.Audience more and more becomes the attention of academic researchersin different fields, while the concept of audience can be extended to many areas.With thedevelopment of the media, the way of brand communication is also undergoingchanges.Positioning of the brand is not just for consumers, and also valuable to theenterprise must not only consumers, the brand positioning should cover all the audiencebe able to receive the brand message, all stakeholders to create value is the brand tomaximize the value reflected.Therefore, this article on brand audience as the research object, to make theclassification of the system.Horizontal divided into internal and external audiences, andlengthwise into the potential audience, aware of nature of the audience and the actionbrand audience.And then based on consumer behaviour, docking of the brand audiencebrand consumer behaviour and consumer psychology,study the different types of brandaudiences by quantifying consumer psychology, which differents from the academic fromthe pass’s point of view to study brand communication. Internal audiences includingcorporate brand managers, employees, corporate investors and other stakeholders. Theyare both brand information disseminator and the receiver, in this man-made brand contactbehavior is completely known audience. External audiences are the brand’s potentialaudience. With the continuous improvement of the external audience of the brand ofconsumer participation, they gradually evolved in order to know nature audience.Consumer demand continue to be met, the cumulative satisfaction the formation of brandloyalty has become action brand audience. From the vision of the brand audience todiscuss consumer psychology,More beneficial to the brand management strategy can befound.
Keywords/Search Tags:Brand audiences, Consumer psychology, Brand audience relationship
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