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The Tourism Resources Planning Of Guangdong In Escape Route Of The Last Emperor In South Song Dynasty

Posted on:2013-10-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330377959682Subject:Tourism Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A long deep civilization of history and extensive traditional culture has always been theimportant resources in the process of developing our tourist industry. Meanwhile, the development oftourism also promotes the protection and inheritance of Chinese traditional culture. Cultural tourism isa timeless topic. Nowadays, Guangdong, its rich tourism resources, developed tourism economy hasbecome one of the most vitality and attractions areas in our Chinese tourism. And, it had created a lotof precedent. However, it’s just a major tourism province far from the strongest. Especially in today’stourism, the glance of mass tour transit to cultural leisure travel and the charm of original SAR tour isno longer existence after the returned of Hong Kong and Marco. Even the inbound tourism marketingof Guangdong is taking a risk of becoming transfer marketing of Hong Kong and Marco. So how touse the opportunity in transformation of tourism industry to develop cultural tourist resources withdistinguishing feature? As a matter of fact it is the urgent time to enhance competitiveness byconstructing the brand “cultural tour, taste of travel” and cultural tourist route with industrybenchmark effectiveness. This thesis is studying the escape route of last two emperors in southernSong Dynasty along with the Guangdong tourism resources. Also the resources distribute widely,spread long time span and come on the first list. However, its value and develop can not gain enoughattention let along the official and tourism enterprises. That’s because it has three main problems in itthat is the small and scattered resources, low-level visibility, lack of integration, and not formedspecial tourism, lag of scenic construction, single marketing methods. Therefore, it is the significanttime to develop cultural tourism resources with scientific planning and build up the route of culturaltourism with brand effect and charisma. It is not only enhancing the competitiveness of Guangdongtourism and becoming a powerful support in constructing of our tourist products but also enrich ourtourism products structure to create condition for declare the world cultural heritage of reserve projectfor the Guangdong, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hong Kong and others in the future. The main countermeasuresand path of the developing tourism resources in the escape route of last two emperors in SouthernSong Dynasty along Guangdong section is integration of system resources, creating brandcharacteristics, enhancing the recognition and attractiveness. Moreover it relies on a mature area,deepen cooperation in space, and highlight the agglomeration effect. Similarly it strengthensmarketing, develop new customers, seize market share, strengthen personnel training, and improve thequality of service tourism to create a high-class and comfortable travel environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:The escape route of last emperors in South Song Dynasty, the section of Guangdong, tourism resources, analysis questions, the conception of path
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