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City Bus Advertising Research Based On The Audiences’ Experience

Posted on:2013-12-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J N WengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330377956757Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The absolute status and importance of public traffic are determinedon the large population of china which brings new opportunities andtremendous opportunities for development of the corresponding city busadvertising as well, for example, vehicle body advertising becomespopular options for the businessmen to invest products declaration as itspeculiar advantage of flow communication. However, the author foundtwo problems after consulted numerous documents: First, the importanceof the vehicle body advertising is self-evident, but it ignores the overallbehavior experience of the audiences, bus advertising is all along themedia contact which is throughout the audiences’ process. Therefore, itshould be considered properly besides vehicle body advertising,in-vehicle advertising and bus shelter advertising. Deal and conceive theadvertising systematically should be one of the designer’s consideration factors; Second, the French scholar DE lucio mayer once said:“Art workis not monologue, it is dialogue”, With the arrival of the experienceeconomy, the experience demand of the audiences’ increases everyday,Traditional advertising which is based on the graphic design element ascolor、words、graphs, etc can barely cause the audiences’ psychologicalresonance. More and more scholars consider that experience should befitted in advertising, symbols are used to enlarge experience. Theinfluence range of the advertising is expanded by ingenious designconception and advanced technology, on this account, it brings theaudiences new perception experience and ease the advertising acceptationfatigue of the audiences’.This article refers to the public transportation, outdoor media, printadvertising, theory books of advertising experience and documents,Urban public transport system and the bus system are defined andclassified with the application of the cross-disciplinary as economics、management、marketing and artistic design, etc. The urban bus system istaken as an example, with the master and understanding of theconnotation of experience, the compose elements of the urban bus systemadvertising is analyzed in detail, audiences’ characteristics andadvertising demand are surveyed and concluded, the design symbols andphysical technology factors are refined to fit in the operation of the bussystem advertising. Orientation、originality and the operation strategy andmode of media integration are highly elaborated on the designer’s stand.The author tries to put forward a suitable advertisement communicationmode for the audiences to accept in order to abandon the former disordered visual image, enhance the arrival rate of advertisingtransmission, in the meantime, hope to take this as example, offering areference road for other public traffic advertising to solve the commonproblems...
Keywords/Search Tags:bus advertising, system, audience, experience
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