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The Validity Of The Structured Interview Research

Posted on:2013-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J N LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330377456156Subject:Labor economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the economic and social development,the traditional interview has a number ofdrawbacks and can’t meet the needs of the community.Structured interviews withstandardized and efficient characteristics,attract more and more attention in staffrecruitment and government officials selection. Structured interviews has become one ofthe widely used assessment tool. At present, the majority of Public department reference tothe civil service structured interviews in the open recruitment and internal competition inorder to achieve the purpose of effectively select candidates. However, due to the lack ofunified standard guidance, the Public department structured interviews credibility andeffectiveness has been questioned by people, deserve further analysis.This article will be a Area A Public department structured interviews for example,analyze it credibility and effectiveness. The total is divided into two research studies,thefirst study to Area A19of the14Public department the group of examiners to subjects foranalyze the scorer reliability, analysis of past examiner structured interview score records.The second study is Area A Public department structured interviews constructs validity,which investigated whether Area A Public department structured interview competenceindicators required for the position. First,section-level cadres of generic competenceestablished by interviews and then summed up questionnaire to verify the accuracy of thecompetence, finally compared the competence with Area A Public department structuredinterview. Study analysis showed that the structured interview used by Area A Publicdepartment is not ideal, whether from the reliability or validity, the author make asuggestion for the problems in Area A Public department structured interview from thepreparation,implementation,feedback inthree areas in the last part of the article and hopethat the credibility and effectiveness of their structured interview improved.
Keywords/Search Tags:structured interview, reliability, validity
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