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Rent Theory Of Marx And Its Practical Significance

Posted on:2013-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G R CengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330374979511Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Marx’s rent theory is an important part of the basic principles of Marxisteconomics. Marx studied the rent theory in the capitalist market economy. Althoughits rent theory is mainly concerning about capitalism, it has its particularity. However,its general theory under market economy conditions is universal. Therefore, for renttheory of the socialist market economy under the conditions of the same practical is ofsignificance. According to the Rent Theory, there are land ownership there must berent. Ownership of land in China belongs to the state and collective, the separation ofland ownership and management also exists in our country at this stage there must berent. Rent theory on the practice of China’s economic construction is also of greatpractical guiding significance.The paper is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is about the formationof Rent Theory. It explained the background by the Rent Theory, the theoreticalsource of the historical process. The second chapter, the basic content of the RentTheory, mainly from two aspects of the theory of Government rent for the nature oftheory and rent in the form described. First, the labor theory of value to science andthe theory of surplus value, Marx based, revealing the essence of capitalist rent.Government rent is the forms of land ownership; Government rent is the product ofphase separation of land ownership and use rights (management rights); Governmentrent is the excess profits above the average profit, reflecting the agricultural capitalists,landowners to exploit the relations of production of agricultural wage workers.Secondly, on this basis, Marx systematically studied the various forms of capitalistrent. Capitalist agriculture land rent and absolute rent and capitalism, monopoly rent,building lots rent and mine rent study, revealing the formation of the root causes ofchanges in the general law. The third chapter is about the practical significance ofRent Theory, which mainly analyzed Rent Theory of practical guiding significancefor the Chinese rural land reform and urban construction.In short, theoretically, we should grasp the basic meaning of the Rent Theory andrecognize that land is not only resources but also has product attributes. Meanwhile,we should also make use of the land rent theory to guide our economic constructionpractice, and use Government rent for the economic levers to serve China’s rural landreform and urban construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, theory of land rent, practical significance
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