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China's Dual Economic Structure Heterogeneity Study

Posted on:2013-03-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330374971927Subject:Western economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The dual economic structure is an important issue for Development Economics Research, is currently in the national conditions of developing countries, the heterogeneity of the dual economic structure in China is mainly from the traditional agricultural economy to the evolution of the modern economya series of special problems in achieving inclusive growth and sustainable development is an important research problem. Traditional agricultural sector and modern urban sector is the prevalence of the two departments in the dual economy countries. China is no exception. Surplus labor in China’s traditional agricultural sector absorbed by the urban sector, industrialization and national economic development is to be achieved through the accumulation of profits and capital in the form. Compared with the traditional developing countries, China’s dual economic structure not only has a certain sense of homogeneity. but it is more prominently reflected in the heterogeneity of the unique Chinese characteristics. Post-crisis era. on the one hand, a huge wave of global economic integration difficult, on the other hand, the rectification of the traditional economic and viscosity of the dual economic structure transformation is evident, in addition to performance due to the institutional aspect of out of the dual structure of the rigid reform difficult. Critical period in the middle stage of industrialization and economic transition. China’s dual economic structure is to shift from closed to open this objective requires the full understanding and systematic analysis of the heterogeneity of China’s dual economic structure, and its Chinese brought the reality of the impact of current and future economic potential.Dualistic economic structure caused by agriculture, between urban and rural split has always been the modernization of the great resistance on the road ahead. Due to institutional shortcomings, the coexistence of profit margins and low capital phenomenon, so that the inefficient use and waste of scarce capital even more, changing the traditional path of industrialization has been the rapid development of modern economic and social development needs. The tremendous changes in the macroeconomic and social environment, some of the characteristics of China’s dual economic structure of the heterogeneity of the formation and performance of the clear and urgent need for depth analysis of the heterogeneity of the conversion mechanism, to continue to seek the conversion of the heterogeneity paths.The article premise is based on two levels, one involving the content of the dual economic structure theory of development economics is not perfect, this article sum up the practical experience of the dual economic structure of China’s unique and constantly enrich and improve the theory:the heterogeneity of the urban-rural dual economic structure has been contrary to the scientific concept of development, coordinated and sustainable development concept, the article seeks to explore a sensible and feasible transformation path.
Keywords/Search Tags:China’s dual economic structure, heterogeneity, conversion mechanism, conversion path
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