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Study On Hunan Provincial Taxation Administration System Optimization Based On The Small-and-medium-sized Enterprises’Financial Demands

Posted on:2012-12-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K K YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to local economic development and social stability play an important role in promoting. However, the existing tax system arrangements and tax collection system have failed to meet the financial characteristics of SMEs and tax service needs. They are not conducive to guide and encourage sound financial management of SMEs, strengthening financial control and control of tax-related risks. We also cannot effectively improve the tax compliance of small and medium enterprises. Because the Tax system operation status in Hunan Province and tax services can not match the financial needs of SMEs, determine the financial needs of SMEs into the system to achieve optimal solutions in order to guide and encourage the healthy development of SMEs in China to seek a fair and competitive external financial environment.Full-text consists mainly of four parts. The first is the introduction part, including background, purpose, meaning, description of research and the review of development of the taxation administration system and the impact of the enterprise by system optimization. The second part is the theory of bedding components, including system optimization theory and principles of two parts. That makes full analysis of the financial needs of SMEs in the development effort with system optimization point of the end-result. The third is the analysis part, including the operation of Hunan Province, the taxation administration system analysis and financial needs of SMEs. Both of the results make the full text of more targeted. The fourth is the system optimization part of the research and innovation of this research lies. The rational part of the pre-tax for SMEs, tax and personal financial needs of the system in Hunan province, lack of tax services, financial risk analysis is proposed for SMEs, which rating model construction, SMEs communication services and optimize the proposed and tax-bank cooperation.
Keywords/Search Tags:small and medium-sized enterprises, financial needs, taxationadministration system, system optimization
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