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Design Of Facility Agriculture Information System Using Mobile Internet Of Things In Tiirpan Area

Posted on:2013-06-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Q LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330374457015Subject:Information Science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, facility agriculture in China is in the transition point which is from traditionalagriculture to modern and information agriculture. People are trying to apply information technologiesinto facility agriculture. In recent years, Internet of Things,3G and other new technologies have beenrising gradually and are developing rapidly. More and more people are concerned about it; theresearches on the area and applications of it in all industries are blooming. Although these technologieshave matured, the applications of them in facility agriculture are rare. Even there are a few appliances insome developed areas, the technologies are simple and have little influence on the rapid developing offacility agriculture. In Turpan area, the facility agriculture has developed owing to the special climate,but there are still some problems and difficulties. First, the temperature differences of Turpan are largeand the sunshine time is quite long. The temperature in all of current facility greenhouses in Turpan areamust rely on human control, which is wasteful, vulnerable and instable. Second, water resource lacksand is wasteful. Third, there are few agricultural technical personnel and the knowledge of them is old.Thus, using the information technologies into the facility agriculture in Turpan area and buildinformation system is very necessary. This thesis is intend to design an information system using IOT,3G and other technologies which is based on the current status and problems of facility agriculture inTurpan area. The system not only can solve the three problems and promote the informationdevelopment, but also create a new situation of facility agriculture in Turpan area.The thesis is divided into eight parts. Part1introduces the background, significance, purpose andthe contexts of the research. Then it summarizes the current status and developing situation about theuse of facility agriculture IOT at home and abroad; and based on the analysis, it proposes the researchroute and methods. Part2summarizes the a few technologies which will be used in the system likeWSN,3G, Zigbee and intelligent control technology. Part3analyzes the design of the whole system,including the current status and problems of Turpan facility agriculture, the possible solution, and thenecessity and feasibility. At the same time, it states the services and application objects and modes,bringing the concept “People” to the design of this system in order to make the system “a big system”.Part4to part7are the concrete designing and analyzing parts of the system, and they state and analyzenot only the whole framework, but also every subsystem and module of the system, including functions,architecture and specific indicators. Part8is the summary of the whole thesis. It proposes some advice;analyses the innovative points and deficiencies of the research.In this thesis, I use the analysis and comparison, and graphic methods to design and analyze aMobile IOT information system which can be used in facility agriculture of Turpan area by using theIOT,3G and other technologies. The research results will be of great value and have some referencevalue and theoretical guiding significance on the implementation of the system in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mobile internet of things, Turpan area, Facility agriculture, Information system, 3Gtechnology
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