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Analysis Of Sino-US Technology Trade

Posted on:2013-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330371980327Subject:World economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At the beginning of China’s reform and opening-up, Xiaoping Deng proposed thescientific thesis of "science and technology are primary productive forces", so we canlearn the importance of science and technology to a certain extent. While in the21stcentury, science and technology are playing far more dramatic role in promotingeconomic development and social progress. With the continuous development ofeconomic globalization, international trade is becoming more closely, in whichinternational technology trade plays a key role. As is known to all, the United Statesleads the world science and technology level, no matter in aviation or biologicaltechnology, well ahead of China. And the comparative advantage of rich laborresources of China is gradually reducing with China’s industrial structure adjustmentand upgrade, and the acceleration of international labor capital flow. So it is becomingmore and more important for China to promote the process of Sino-US technologytrade.In this thesis, empirical analysis method is used to deeply analyze the process ofdevelopment and motivation, development status and characteristics, the problemsand their causes and future development trends of Sino-US technology trade, based oninternational trade theories. It is said that nowadays the share of US high technologyproducts in Chinese market is decreasing and China’s high technology products arebecoming more competitive in US; the main reason of the Sino-US technology tradeproblems is affected by different political system and ideology between US and China,and that Sino-US trade relationship becomes political and the restrictions of America’shigh technology exports to China becomes the biggest bottleneck to developtechnology trade between the two countries; in short terms, the restrictive policies ofthe U.S. high-tech exports to China will not change so much, but relative negotiationsof two sides will increase and the communicative areas will be expanded. At the sametimes, low-end technology products exports to China may be a little bit loose, but high-tech state-of-the-art core technology exports to China will continue to implementstrict control policies. Based on that, some of the ideas and suggestions for furtherdevelopment of U.S. technology trade are given.During the thesis written, due to limited capacity of my own and difficulties ofdata collection, there are some inadequacies in this paper. In the future I will continueto follow-up study and further refine the process of writing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sino-US Technology Trade, Export Control, Development Trends, Countermeasures and Suggestions
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