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Institution Design Of The Mortgage On Rural Assets With Partial Rights

Posted on:2013-04-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C QiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The thesis focuses on feasibility of rural assets with partial rights as collateral and institutiondesign of mortgage on them. The main contents of the study are as follows: Starting from currentsituation and problems of rural finance and economy in China, the thesis scientifically defined andexplained the content of rural assets with partial rights, the significance and constraints of which ascollaterals, based on a systematic review of theories on right and institutional innovation&renovation. From the perspective of causation of partial rights, comparison with urban assets,essence of mortgage, peasants’ credit, and controllability of the risk, the thesis proved thefeasibility of these assets as collaterals. By analyzing the case of “LiangQuanYiFang” in Ningbo,some defects were found, together with some universal problems around, the thesis made someoptimization and innovation of the mortgage institution from aspect of law, supporting measuresand mortgage itself. Finally, the thesis studied the willing of peasants to put these assets ascollateral based on questionnaire data and estimated the amount of asset.The main conclusions are as follows: first, put rural asset with partial right as collateral isfeasible. Based on the study, the mortgage institution is feasible theoretically, and gained positiveeffects in reality. Second, Supporting measures are needed to make the mortgage running. Thefeasibility of rural asset doesn’t mean all of them can be put as collateral. To make it so, laws,policies, other institution and mechanisms are needed to screen the assets and control the risk.Third, the current institution has some defects and needed to be improved. Though, the practice hasbeen promoted for over two years, some fatal problem are still not settled. Law is still forbiddingrural assets as collateral, and institutions must be mended to promote its development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Partial Rights, Institution Design, LiangQuanYiFang
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