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The Research Of Marx And Engels Ecological Economic Thought And Realistic Significance

Posted on:2013-11-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330362471353Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, due to human over-exploitation natural resource in the process ofindustrialization and modernization, environmental pollution, ecological degradation,climate change and other ecological problems increasingly become the constraints ofthe global economic and social development. The ecological crisis is getting globalconcern. Severe ecological problems have prompted people to rethink the relationshipbetween man and nature, to reflect on the lifestyle of the survival of mankind.Domestic and foreign scholars resolve the Marx and Engels’ theory, study of theirecological and economic thinking from the perspective of the balanced development ofthe ecological and economic, trying to seek good policy for economic and socialdevelopment. This paper attempts on to explore Marx and Engels ecological economicthought, to seek the path to solve the ecological problems.This paper uses text interpretation methods, system analysis and inductionmethod, history and logic method, and the method of combining of concrete and theabstract, to analyze Marx and Engels ecological economic thought. The first chapter,Human beings create great social productive forces since the second half of the19thcentury, but to destroy the ecological environment of human survival and development,leading to the global ecological crisis. Domestic and foreign scholars try to find asolution from the doctrines of Marx ecological. The second chapter, Human beingsface more and more serious environmental pollution and social conflicts with the rapiddevelopment of the economic since the mid-19th century Industrial Revolution. Marxand Engels study of social problems, to put forward a series of ecological insights.Their ecological and economic thought has formed with the combination of this theoryand their philosophical and economic. The third chapter, this chapter uses textinterpretation methods, analyzing the main content of Marx and Engels ecologicaleconomic thought. Including the unified of human and nature thought, materialtransformation thought, natural productivity and social productivity unified thought. The forth chapter, this chapter pointed out that Marx and Engels ecological economicthought has important guiding significance to explore China’s scientific developmentone not to the expense of the environment. The Party’s central collective leadership hasbeen carrying out tireless explorations and obtaining valuable experience andsignificant results since the reform and opening up. The fifth chapter, this chapteranalyzes the enlightenment of Marx and Engels ecological economic thought on thecurrent economic and social development, pointing out that the development of eco-economy is the inevitable choice of the times, and strategic thinking of thedevelopment of eco-economy in China’s. Finally, the article concludes Marx andEngels ecological economic thought is powerful. We should take this as a guide of aneco-balanced economic development road. The same time, China’s current research ofMarx and Engels ecological economic thought is relatively weak, it must bestrengthened.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Engels, Ecological Economic, Realistic Significance
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