With the rapid development of network and communication technology, the network hasbeen applied to many control systems. The definition of NCS is that the closed-loop feedbackcontrol system connected by real-time network. Networked control systems reflect theadvantages of easy wire, easy exchange information, low industrial cost and easy to realizethe remote monitoring and so on. Thus, it is widely used in aerospace field, robot productionfield, military field, medical field, engineering automation field and so on. But there are somephenomena of time delays and data packet loss in the networked control systems, at the sametime, actuators component in the networked control systems may be faulty, the effect tostability of networked control systems with uncertain factors is enormous. So focus on thenetworked control systems with uncertain factors, the main tasks as follows:1. Focus on the networked control systems with constant time delays and the networkedcontrol systems with uncertain time delays, the problem of robust control about NCS isstudied, based on Lyapunov stability theory and Linear Matrix Inequalities, the conditions ofdelay-independent robust stability are given by Riccati inequation, at the same time, therobust controllers are also designed, the simulated results are given through the numericalexample, which can show the reasonable and the exactness of the proposed methods.2. When actuators are faulty, focus on the networked control systems with uncertain timedelays, the problem of robust fault-tolerant control about NCS is studied, based on Lyapunovstability theory and Linear Matrix Inequalities, the sufficient conditions which are tend to theasymptotic stable for systems are given by Linear Matrix Inequalities, at the same time, therobust fault-tolerant controller is also designed, the simulated results are given through thenumerical example, which can show the reasonable and the exactness of the proposedmethods.3. When actuators are faulty, focus on the networked control systems with uncertain timedelays and data packet loss, the problem of robust fault-tolerant control about NCS is studied,based on asynchronous dynamical system theoryăLyapunov stability theory and LinearMatrix Inequalities, the sufficient conditions which are tend to the asymptotic stable forsystems are given by Linear Matrix Inequalities, at the same time, the robust fault-tolerantcontroller is also designed, the simulated results are given through the numerical example,which can show the reasonable and the exactness of the proposed methods. |