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Online Book Recommending System

Posted on:2013-02-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330395474161Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The book interview is a basic operations of the library to provide the material basisand protection to carry out other work of the museum. For the university library, bookan interview with one of the most important part of the entire library building. Thequality of the book interview directly affect the satisfaction level of Literature ResourceConstruction of University Library and readers. With the advent of the information ageof the21st century, the accelerated speed of many commodities update replace the bookas a carrier of knowledge and information, the update speed is amazing. the external andinternal conditions of the university library is undergoing dramatic changes, the bookacquisition work is facing many difficulties and challenges.Library or large bookstoreprocurement system has to keep up with the changing needs of the readers. Manyuniversity library at the same time improve the procurement system efficiency andstrengthen communication with the institutions, and from the network to establish aplatform to interact with our readers, to enable readers to participate in book purchasinglinks.Therefore Online Book Recommending System(OBRS)has important significance.This thesis describes the development process of the Online BookRecommending System(OBRS). The paper first summarizes the current research anddevelopment status of the Book Recommendation System;-depth analysis of the lack ofsimilar systems currently exist; then key technologies involved in the systemdevelopment, such as: ASP.NET, SQL SERVER, Visual Studio, etc. were widelyanalysis introduced. Next a detailed analysis of the subject construction background,needs, business processes, data objects; according to specific requirements analysis,design of the overall logic of the system architecture and the physical architecture;divided into10main functional modules designed for the system specific function.After using the B/S three-tier structure to achieve Books Online RecommendationSystem. Focus on the B/S three-tier structure at all levels, including: user interfacelayer, business logic layer and data access layer implementation process for acomprehensive introduction to the point of one of the key technologies in particular, adetailed analysis. Finally, this paper made a summary and a follow-up study of the target prospect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Online Book Recommending System(OBRS), ASP.NET, SQL SERVER, Visual Studio
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