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The Design And Implementation Of Network Test System

Posted on:2013-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330395469695Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the widely use of Internet technology in various fields, our society has already entered the information age. Revolution in information technology in all fields changes the society dramatically. Computers as well as network technology have infiltrated the day-to-day management of the university and that meet the need of modern life for all the people there. Digital education as a new educate model has already goes into the life of campus and it’s very important for the education and teaching period. It can provide ideal environment for the new model of education. Network examination based on Web has been the trend as paperless office, and the network examination has got everyone’s eyes by its functionality and efficient management.It used the B/S model in design the system and accomplished by using the popular JSP, JavaBean and Jcript scripting language of technology and SQL SERVER Database. It introduced network the development of examination system and analyze the characteristics of those technology used in the system like the JSP, JavaBean and Jcript scripting language and make detail design of the main page and database of the the network examination system. Based on the theoretical and practicing fundmental the network examination system is accomplished with the main function below:the maintenance of questions, user management, system information management, on-line testing of students, online approving of teachers and the score management etc.The systems has higher availability and it has been tested on the local area network by testing the workflow with good test result. The network has extended to every aspect of life in our society today, network examination will be an important aspect of university management in the future. With the increasing improving of the development of the university, it can enhance the overall office efficiency of the university。...
Keywords/Search Tags:network examination, JSP technology, network examination system
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