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The Research On Optimizing P2P Trafifc Between Networks Based On Network Measurement

Posted on:2013-08-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330374990318Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of the Internet, P2P technology has been widely used. Butbecause of P2P dispersion characteristics, each resource request will be broadcast tofind the demand peer in the network and connect to it, leading to some peer acrossmulti-layer network. Not only is this tremendous pressure to the ISP, networkcongestion growing phenomenon. So to solve cross-domain occupied by P2P traffic isof great significance to the development of the network.On the basis of the study of the common protocols and technologies of P2P, wesummed up the core idea of all the technology, as much as possible to the flow controloccurred locally. By learning the Bit Torrent protocol encoding rules, we combinedwith the simulation algorithm of the virtual neighbor network, and have developed apriority list of the peers. The main results of this dissertation are as follows:First, for this main idea, this paper will optimize focus on the selection of thepeer list, allowing users to establish a connection as much as possible from the nodeswhere their physical location or logical locations close to.Second, this paper will use the Bit Torrent protocol scalability optimizationmainly from two aspects for the advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand thatif the user agreed to collaborate, it not only can greatly reduce the complexity of theoptimization, but also enhanced the efficiency of the overall system optimization.This part is based on the extension of the BT protocol. The other hand, if the userrefused to collaborate, we will through a series of algorithms to achieve the prioritylist is sorted according to sort criteria programmable to select the right nodeneighbors. The improvement of the text is client-oriented.Third, together the two aspects of the optimization program is proposed, throughuser collaboration and estimate the simulation of the underlying network,does notaffect performance, and guide traffic on the local network, reducing the inter-domainand P2P traffic on the backbone network. The tests show that this mechanism can notonly try to inter-domain traffic localization, but also enhance the user-systemperformance.
Keywords/Search Tags:P2P Application, Bit Torrent, flow localization, the node list
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