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Protect Http Web Sites With Permis

Posted on:2013-07-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L N YiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330374969990Subject:Computer science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As network openness, sharing and interconnection level continues to expand, especially the emergence of the Internet, the importance of the network impact on the community is also growing. On the network, the emergence of variety of new businesses, such as e-commerce, e-government, online banking, is making the security and confidentiality of network and information systems more and more important. In order to solve the security problems of the Internet, the world after years of research identified three main security issues:authentication, permissions and access control. Those three prominent issues became a research hotspot in the field of information security. Many research is needed in these three areas to take appropriate safety measures.In the past few years, PKI has become indispensable to the safety support systems in the network applications. Convenient and flexible key and certificate management methods, provide an effective means of online authentication, and laid the foundation for access control, anti-repudiation, confidentiality and security mechanisms in the system implementation. But can no longer meet the needs of the security system requirements. This left room for further determination what we can do to solve security problems. PMI (the Privilege Management Infrastructure) privilege management infrastructure came into being.Authorization and access control theory, is focused on role-based access control mechanism, permissions management infrastructure, which is related to the theory of PMI (the Privilege Management Infrastructure). PMI is focused on the PERMIS the (PrivilEge and Role Management, Infrastructure Standards) PMI, and is based on the design and Implementation of the PERMIS solutions for the protection of the HTTP site. Finally, based on the the Permis system solutions, including the system design objectives, program selection, architecture, security network. The Permis system for building secure applications require detailed design process, combined with application characteristics examples, in order to point out the deficiencies of the system and future research directions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Authorization, Access Control, PMI, RBAC, PERMIS
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