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Design And Implementation Of Embedded Development Platform Based On Freescale’s DSC

Posted on:2013-02-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330371494089Subject:Computer application technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Digital signal controller(DSC) is a new type of microprocessor which is combinedwith digital signal processors(DSP) and micro control uint(MCU). Mainly targeting inthe places where high level of data processing competence and system real-time controlis required, it is widely applied to multimedia processing, instruments and meters,medical and health, household appliances etc. fields with broad market prospect. Withthe development of semiconductor manufacturing technology, many new models of DSCchips are constantly emerging, and the application development methodology of DSC isalso constantly evolving with it. The research based on DSC has become one of thefocuses in the field of embedded systems.Freescale Semiconductor company launched DSC chip MC56F8257targeting tomid-market in the second half of2010. Entrusted by the Freescale company, Freescaleembedded lab of Soochow University shall be responsible for the preliminary researchand application promotion. As required by Freescale company, with full consideration ofthe characteristics and development trend of the embedded markets, and combined withthe component-based software and hardware design methods as well as softwareengineering design methods, this paper designs and implements a set of DSC embeddeddevelopment platform based on Freescale MC56F8257. The platform includes ahardware development board, device drivers and a debugger. The paper is mainly to:(1) Analyze the features of MC56F8257DSC chips, put forward a proposal onhardware development board in combination with the principle of embedded hardwaredesign, elaborate hardware schematics and PCB, and complete the testing of hardwaresystem.(2) Put forward a design proposal on the device drivers based on component designin accordance with the principles of software engineering design and the characteristicsof embedded software, and elaborate the design and packaging of the components of the device drivers.(3) Design a universal debugger on the basic of the analysis of feasibility. Thedebugger can be used in variety series microprocessor of Freescale. It makes the varietyof debugging interface to unify and provides convenience for the users and reduces thecosts.(4) Apply the platform to the electronic steering control system of forklift which is aactual project. Provide the system design, control algorithm and control flow. Theapplication also verified the accuracy and stability of the platform.Practice shows that the design of the development platform for project developmentcan make the developer’s job easier and improve development efficiency, and meet thebasic requirements of the paper. It also proved the practical significance and applicationvalue.
Keywords/Search Tags:DSC, MC56F8257, Development Platform, Component, Debugger
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