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The Concept Of Social Communication Of Lewis Mumford

Posted on:2013-12-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R HuangFull Text:PDF
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Mumford is one of the famous philosophers of technology, one of the importantrepresentatives of humanism philosophy of technology. He was in a technologyprogress and social change rapidly era, new technology and new machine turned theworld upside down changes in human life. Mumford’s multidisciplinary backgroundwas full of vigour of technical advances in the smell of the crisis and invisible rightscontrol, to critically examine technology this seemingly neutral things hiddenideological bias, again the person’s subjective initiative mentioned exalted position,affirming the value of human. Also has important theoretical significance for modernsocietyThis thesis based on Mumford’s epochal historiography of technology,megammachine, techno-organicism, re-exaxmined the many ideas aboutcommunication of them, refined the communication thought and paradigm. At thesame time, summed up the concept of social communication of Mumford, on the otherhand traced Mumford’s thought origin, summarized its influenceThis paper consists of three parts, the first part is Lewis Mumford’s academicachievements and the ideological origins of Mumford communication, focuses on cityplanning, which has a significant effect on Mumford’s social communication concept,Mumford mentor Patrick Geddes and summarizes the concept of social communicationof humanism far-reaching impact Mumford’s worldview; then in the second partintroduces the content of Mumford’s social communication, this part is the core of thethesis chapter. This chapter discusses the megammachine, techno-organicism as thestarting point, mining the social communication concept its contains, During the study,we have many pleasantly surprised, such as in the totalitarian societyorganization-megammachine, primary,hierarchical, monopolistic, one-way and” “mechanical only”are characteristics of communication.For defuse themegammachine, techno-organicism is found in a balanced role of communication, aswell as the amendments role of the art communication; on the third part of this paper,introducs the influence of social communication of Mumford, includes of NeilPostman, Innis, Mcluhan and other media scholar, as well as the third phalanx on thecommunication of school- media ecology school,The authors studied mainly by means of comparative analysis methodology andliterature material law, through the thought system of Mumford, we finally summarizesthe communication theory which involved in his all thoughts and methods. Wishingthis creation can derive more scholars to give effect on Mumford.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mumford, The Concept of Social Communication, Origins, Content, Influence
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