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The Design And Implementation Of Mig Multi-Nodes System

Posted on:2012-11-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y MiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330371467317Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the developing of 3G wireless network, the number of users using the 139 pushemail is increasing rapidly. Meanwhile, the operators and the Service Providers improve their service quality and expand their business field, as the result, more and more users are willing to use mobile devices to enjoy kinds of net application services, such as mobile BBS, mobile music downloads, etc. Obviously, the mass e-mail proxy gateway(Mail Internet Gateway, MIG) platform is currently a system cannot meet the needs of customers and users for increasing the number of concurrent users or adapting the new services expanded. In accordance with this situation, China Mobile Group suggests that a task which is related to the System Transformation of the current platform should be assigned.The new system not only meets the massive concurrent user connection access, the interactive communication with large data quantities, but also has the corresponding scalability in order to expand new business efficiently. Furthermore, the new system could provide the form of off-site migration of multi-node extension services, that means the mass e-mail proxy gateway platform can be deployed in many places to avoid the crash of single location or environment resources limited that would be caused by not providing services to new users or reducing the quality of existing services on existing users.This article is about the research of this system transformation program. This issue will discuss and define the system design and implements specifically. Firstly, the paper has an introduction to the background of the performance and business of multi-node system. Then the necessity and feasibility of the system update would be expounded, the analysis and define of the system requires would be demonstrated. Moreover, the technical scheme and the implements of subsystems would be described in detail. In addition, the key technologies involved in the system could be explained. Finally, it would be discussed and analyzed that the previous mass e-mail proxy gateway system and other effects, such as push mail gateway (GPRS E-mail Gateway, GEGW),139mail, mobile network, etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:mail internet gateway, multi-nodes, GPRS e-mail gateway, 139mail
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