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Difficulty In The Dance La-la-la Routine Use Of Research

Posted on:2014-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YangFull Text:PDF
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Cheerleading has over100year’s devolepment from start to now as a popularSports competition.China’s cheerleading emerged and devolepped since2001,bynow,has become a fashionable competition for a time.Nowadays,cheerleading is composed by four categories:pom,jazz,hip-hop and freeoperation.According to the code of point in2010-2013,we definitely sure how tograde the rank.A complete suit of cheerleading concludes:art ofplanning(50p),execution(50) and degree of difficulty(50p).A logical arrangement ofthe degree of difficulty will promote the cheerleading to a new high zone,and theperfect cooporation could increase the art point and the ececution point,so then reachthe prospective effect.According to the disc of2011China’s colledge studentchampionship contest,this context analyses the Planning,Execution and Degree ofdifficulty.We hope to figure out the advantages and disadvantages,then provide aproof to promote our country’s cheerleading competition.It is no hesitation to find thatthe more difficulty the operation is,the higher score it will get.Therefore,the coachshould enhance the level of difficulty in coming excises,and put it to use when planthe cheerleading operation nimbly.Both art point and execution point take30%percentage in total.The players should put it to use and arrange it suitable. Accordingto the research of the usage in a complete cheerleading operation,we have everyreason to say that we have find out the focal point and it will help us to promot thecompetition and supply a serious of advices and conclusions.The level of ourcountry’s cheerleading is progressively boosting,the difficulty and arrangement ismore and more complex.But not only that,we still espicially emphasis the difficultyand strive for the highest value as well.Players need choice the easyier level ofdifficulty to get point in corresponding options.We cold prove that the high difficultywill promot the total points after comparing the ideal value,difficult level of different groups,art point and same level point.Art and execution are the crucialcomponents,and players’ main mission is ensure the quality of finishing the difficultylevel.The consequence of difficulty level’s accomplishment will effect the total scoresand final rank.Ensureing the accomplishiment’s efficiency of choiced project,is thebasical way to get a good score.We need choose the difficulty on the basis of ourability and strive for the perfection.We have4levels and10difficulty.According to the context:As the time of bring cheerleading is backward,we stillhas a huge disparity with foreign countries though our country has made muchresearch.Nowadays,domestic research keep their eyes on the some facts of skillspecielist,not the level of difficulty on the complete operation and the system ofcheerleading.Discussing the basic projects such as jazz,pom,hip-pop is not only goodfor promoting the achievement,but also supply the value of art,execution etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:cheerleading of dance, choeeography, the difficultymovements, analysis
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