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High School Biology Teaching Material Comparative Study Of China And The United States

Posted on:2013-04-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330395963760Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In order solve the problems in high school biology textbooks in China, drawing on theadvantages of the high school biology textbooks in United States, the author write on themodification of the existing textbooks.A comparative study of high school biology textbooks inChina and the United made in this paper by some methods such as comparison.In this study, the Chinese teaching materials are high school biology textbook pressed by thePeople’s Education Press. And the American textbook is "Biology The Dynamics of Life"(referredto "BDL")On the national curriculum standards in high school biology curriculum, high school biologytextbooks of the two countries can be divided into macro-standard and micro standards. Chinesestandards require more detailed and more specific. Attention to a high degree of national standardsof the America high school biology curriculum, the content teaching methods are flexible.China and the United States as the education country, pay more attention to the senior highschool biology textbooks reform.General knowledge not only pay attention to of the ability, paymore attention to responsible attitude of training and the right social values established. whatdifference the two countries in high school biology textbooks on specific show? Which can realizethe teaching goal better In the practice? What can we learn from the us current educationreform?The problem is this paper will focus on the research content.Materials studies have shown that the ideas in general are the same in the two countries. Theyask questions, put the introduction of the key and difficult points of the classroom. They also attachgreat importance to develop students’ thinking and the ability in the teaching content of the twocountries Chinese teaching materials arranged investigations. American textbook arrangedexperimental skills and mini-experiments. The import of Chinese teaching materials can guide thegeneration of students’ learning motivation, triggering interest in learning. But the teachinggradation is not clear and the logic is poor. American textbook logic is easy to understand. in thearrangement of the learning content.From the two texts experiments point of view, the space is large in Chinese textbooks. But thenumber is small and the depth of excavation is poor. The feasibility is poor also. Many experimentscan not be completed by the Chinese High School. In The United States, textbook experiments arevery rich and have a strong feasibility. They are completed easy by high school students. The comprehensive results of the comparison of the integrated two materials, the researcherbelieves that our current high school biology textbooks are substandard conditions. Especially theexperimental content arrangement is seriously out of China high school. They are difficult to teachand study. Some can not be completed. If the problem is not corrected in the short term, it willcause extremely negative consequences to China’s high school biology teaching. The authorrecommends the relevant government departments organize the relevant experts to rewrite newbiology textbooks as soon as possible. The new books must nourish innovation capacity and theexperiments must be Feasible.
Keywords/Search Tags:high school, biological textbooks, curriculum standards, teaching content, experiments, Comparative Study
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