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The Survey Of The Motions And The Conducts For Teachers In Senior Middle School To Read

Posted on:2013-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y LiuFull Text:PDF
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In such an economical time, there are changes of teaching, students and our society, which is in front of our teachers. So how can our teachers keep being the sources of knowledge and keep transmit what we know to next generations? Reading does. If one teacher is devoted to learning, it can keep the teacher stepping up and up in his profession as well as have smooth the relation between and teacher and students. As a result, it is of great importance to get to know the motions and conducts on reading for a teache. An impressive air for reading is the key to bring up students with good habits for reading, in order to strengthen the qualities of the whole nation.This survey is aimed to identify wthether there are some differences among sex, level, subject, age, grade for more than100teachers from some senior middle schools in Jilin city, as well as some behaviors on it, in order to offer suggestions.Results of the survey:(1)the level for reading is high, with types of grade, importance, communication, involvement, curiosity, competition, effect, acceptation, and challenge.(2)There are no obvious differences in the following aspects:sex, education, subject, and grade. However, it is the experience that makes the differences turn up. First of all, the motion is higher for teachers who have experiences in teaching no more than5years than that for those from11to20years, and higher again for those for over20years.(3)The structure of reading for teachers in senior middle school is unreasonable. The most time on literature and leisure, the fourth place in teaching. The main sources are buying from bookstores and downloading on the internet. While reading, few set down some thoughts about it. In most cases, to take some sentences in the reading, which proves that time spent in careful reading is limited. Some excuses come out that time is not enough, there are few good books, the quality in the liberary is not high, books are expensive. Nearly half of the teachers spend about one hour in reading, and over two hours is only14percent. More attention are paid to own profession, which agrees with most teachers. Nearly half the teachers never visit liberaries, and the number of those who often go there is only8percent.(4)Differences lie in the teachers who have different leves on reading. Those high in reading spend more time reading books about education, and few time on leisure. While reading, they are used to writing down sentences, underline parts of the new things to them, and analyse outline and thoughts. Besides, more teachers in this group work their minds as reading, and spend more time reading as well as visiting liberaries.
Keywords/Search Tags:teachers in senior middle schools, motions and conducts to read
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