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Countermeasures On Personality Development Of Art Students

Posted on:2013-10-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X WangFull Text:PDF
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In recent years, there are been an increasing interest in art area because of the rapiddevelopment of economy and related curriculum reform, then the amount of art studentis raised. Based on the questionnaire of current personality development situations withthe art high school students in Nanjing, outstanding issues have been analyzed withcorrelative influencing factors. In order to promote a wonderful career of the artstudents in high school, a novel personality development strategy has been presented inthis research to encourage the personality of art student be developed fully. This paperhas been divided into four parts. The first part deals with the introduction, includingthe research hypothesis, aim and objectives, also contains the reviewed of relevantliterature and methodology. Chapter2begins by laying out the theoretical dimensionsof the personality development literature. Focus on the personality development andpersonality feature, interrelated theories have been discussed. Chapter3describes thecurrent situations and related influencing factors of personality development with artstudents based on the output of questionnaire; also the evaluation of ideology, valuesand behavior of art student is analyzed from both internal and external. The last chapterassesses the strategy of personality development of art students. By concluded thecurrent issues in personality development with art students, personal advice has beenrepresented from the society, school, family and art for the students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Art, High school students, Personality development, Personalityfeature
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